Chapter 12

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"So, this is Mar Chennel," Musara mused, stopping to look at the arched stone gate. Images of waves, seabirds, ships, and sea creatures were carved in relief upon the colorful sandstone. "I wonder what we will encounter here?"

"More plague, no doubt," Ivorisa replied. After a pause, she tried to smile as she added, "But, we should still be too far from the mountain to need to worry about lava or thrown boulders."

"I hope they have a functioning market," Darvin said. "We're almost out of supplies." He glanced over at the priestess and the healer. "And you two should see about getting new clothes. You've been dealing with the sick and injured so much, you're starting to look like them. Can't be healthy."

"We shall find what we expect and also what we don't," Jez said quietly. Looking down at her bloody, dusty, and soiled clothing, she added, "I don't mind grime. It comes with the job of healer."

Musara looked down at her own dirty robes, noting how some of the dirt and blood marks were distinguishable as hands or faces from when the newly healed had hugged her. She looked at the others in their dusty, travel-worn clothes and shrugged. "A priestess in pristine robes isn't getting out among the people nearly enough."

"Well, how about we go find the city's well first?" Tavin suggested. "We can refill our waterskins and see what this city holds for us."

Musara nodded. As everyone else walked through the arch into the city, she paused, leaning against the carved sandstone.

"Musara, aren't you coming?" Darvin asked.

Tavin turned and walked back to the priestess. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he asked, "Are you all right?"

Musara nodded wearily, "Yes, thank you." She straightened stiffly, letting her hand rest on the arm Tavin offered. "I think I'm... just tired, Tavin."

"Well, it was a seven day journey from Manark to here, and you and Jez prayed over and healed everyone we met along the way..." Tavin noted as they walked slowly to rejoin the others. "Since we left the temple at Karst, you haven't had any real rest. Maybe we should go to the inn first, see if they have a couple rooms for us. Let you rest. Start fresh tomorrow."

"You and Darvin should be even more tired—you've been sleeping on the ground outside the tent this entire journey."

"We choose to let you ladies have some privacy, as gentlemen should," Tavin replied. "So, to the inn, then?"

Musara shook her head, then stopped in her tracks, blinking rapidly.

"You okay?" Jez asked, leaning to look the priestess in the eye. "You look pale, Musara."

Musara straightened once more, leaning slightly on Tavin's arm. "I'm fine, Jez. Just tired. And thirsty. We should head to the well. Water would be nice. And... I think there's something we're supposed to find there."

"Messor Vitavi?" Ivorisa asked eagerly, voice edged with excitement.

Musara frowned. She mumbled in reply, "I... don't know. We'll see."

Tavin stayed beside Musara as the group walked farther into town, letting her lean on him.

The town square was mostly empty; a few people were scattered in ones and twos, talking as they went about their day. No one was at the well.

Sunlight brushed the edges of the dull grey stone of the well. A plain wooden bucket tied with a rough rope rested in the well's shadow. A wooden plank stretched across the well's opening.

"So much for getting water," Darvin said, eyeing the plank across the top of the well.

"What?" Musara asked, still leaning on Tavin as she drew closer. "What's wrong with the well?"

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