Chapter 14

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"Great Messor Vitavi," Musara murmured, shaking hand clasping the coin of fate, "you told us yesterday that we would find you incarnate here in Tillek. Will we find you near the gate?" Struggling to open her trembling fingers, Musara barely managed to release the coin.

It spun lazily as it dropped straight down, landing in the dust with the black cloud facing up.

Jez quickly stepped forward and retrieved the coin, handing it to Musara. "No worries, then. We'll find him somewhere. Just not here." She looked around at the crowded gate, seeing the looks of fear on the people as they gave the hooded priestess a wide berth. She met Musara's bloody gaze and smiled. "Maybe we should try the marketplace after all. Darvin and Tavin are there, buying supplies."

A burly man approached and pointed a finger toward the gate, glaring at Musara. "Get back out of the city, plague-carrier. Set up your tent with the rest of the dying and leave us in peace."

"Yeah!" an angry woman chimed in. "We don't need another outbreak here! Get out!"

More people milling about the gate began shouting.

"Leave her alone!" Jez shouted. "She's an emissary of Messor Vitavi! He sent us!"

The crowd shouted all the louder. A few people began throwing sticks, stones, and dried clods of dirt.

"All right, all right," Ivorisa said, ducking the projectiles while shielding Musara and Jez. "Maybe we should go back outside the city and make a new plan of action." She straightened while the other two women ducked their heads and walked back through the gate. "Okay! We're leaving! Are you happy now?"

"And stay out!" the burly man shouted as the crowd continued to jeer.

A member of the city guard, eyes wide, rushed over and swung the gate closed. He turned to the now-cheering citizens. "Okay! Okay! Nothing to see here! Go back to your errands! Move on!" After the crowd began dispersing, he turned and pressed himself against the bars of the gate, calling after the fleeing women, "I'm so sorry!"

Musara looked at the tattered fabrics bleaching in the sun, edges waving in the wind. Makeshift tents for those exiled from the city. Groaning and coughing could be heard throughout the camp. Sobs could be heard in some tents. Occasionally, someone mumbled curses. Flies buzzed incessantly, lending a background buzzing to the sounds of people waiting to die. Hardly anyone was visible outside the tents; those who were kept their heads down and moved slowly, offering quiet greetings as they passed tents on their way to their own dwelling or to get water from the barrels creating a barrier between the tents and the city's walls.

The priestess sighed, bleak gaze lingering on the open pit only four horse lengths from the tents. Ravens, crows, and vultures swarmed the pit, finally flapping feebly out when they were bloated with flesh. Tears mingled with the blood leaking from her eyes and she bit back a sob. The raucous calls of the dark birds made her cringe and she turned, facing off down the road to Karst.

"What do we do now?" Ivorisa asked. "Should we try to sneak back in?"

"No," Musara replied, still staring down the road toward home. "No, there's work to be done here." She turned slowly, looking briefly at the walls of Tillek before facing the tents once more. "We shall see how many Messor Vitavi helps us heal."

Jez immediately placed an arm around the priestess, letting Musara lean on her, as they slowly approached the gathered tents. "If our previous experiences are any indication, we should heal most of the people here. Messor Vitavi willing, of course."

Musara nodded wearily. "We will go tent to tent. Looks like most of them don't have the strength to walk, and no loved ones to carry them to us."

"Praises be. To Messor Vitavi," Musara prayed, gasping, "for his great healing. And mercy. Remember. He loves you."

The newly healed man jumped up, laughing for joy, hugged Jez and Musara, and ran to join the crowd gathered outside the closed gate.

Jez turned to the priestess, the setting sun giving her features a golden glow. "The only one left now is you."

Musara shook her head as she coughed. "I. Already asked. This morning. Remember?" She sunk to her knees and bowed her head.

"Ask again," Jez encouraged, crouching beside Musara. The healer placed a gentle hand on the priestess's shoulder. "Maybe the answer will be different this time."

"Fine. I'll ask," Musara whispered. She swayed on her knees, Jez quick to support her, as she brought her hand up, shaking fist clenching the coin of fate.

Both women prayed silently as Musara slowly opened her fingers. They watched the coin drop together. The black cloud met their gazes.

Musara sighed and reached down, fingers gingerly clasping the coin.

"Maybe... I could heal you anyway," Jez suggested quietly.

Musara shook her head, then paused before speaking as another coughing fit struck. "No. You must follow. Messor Vitavi's will. Even. When. You don't understand." She chuckled darkly. "Or else. Why ask?" She coughed again.

"Well, at least come in and spend the night at the inn with us. Ivorisa said Darvin and Tavin got us two rooms."

Musara shook her head.

"Then I'll stay out here with you," Jez replied. "There's no reason for you to be out here alone."

"Who's staying where alone?" Ivorisa asked as she walked up. She gestured back behind her with a thumb. "Family members inside the city are beginning to realize their loved ones are healed, but locked out. The crowd is getting rowdy. The guards will have to let them in soon." She reached out to the other two women. "Come on. We should go join them, so we don't stay locked out when they let everyone in."

"You two go," Musara said, making a shooing gesture with one hand. Her other hand rested on her knee, clasping the coin of fate. "Escort the healed to their homes. Proclaim the love of Messor Vitavi. Join Darvin and Tavin."

"What about you?" Ivorisa demanded.

"She intends to stay out here," Jez replied.

"They don't want me. In the city," Musara said. "We've been camping lots. On this journey. What's. One more night?"

"Maybe, once they see the work Messor Vitavi has wrought through you they'll change their minds," Jez said hopefully.

A shout from the gate made them all peer toward the crowd. The group was filing in through the gate.

"Better go," Musara said, shooing them again. She coughed, then added, "Hurry."

Ivorisa frowned at Musara, but at the priestess's wave, the guard turned and walked to the gate.

"Jez." Musara grabbed the healer's sleeve. She thrust a cloth pouch into the young woman's hand. "Here."

"Wha— These are your fate coins!" Jez protested. "I can't handle these—I'm not a priestess."

"Use them. To learn Messor Vitavi's will. The. Divining cloth. Is in there. Too." Musara coughed again, gasping for breath once the attack ended. "Give. One coin. Each. To Ivorisa, Darvin. And Tavin. Keep. The rest. For your use. Messor Vitavi. Will guide you."

"But. But, Musara—"

"It's up to. You. Jez." Musara drew in a shaky, shallow breath. "Find. Messor Vitavi incarnate. He will lead you. To the One. Who Must Die."

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