Chapter I

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Mrs Lannister had told us that a walk was out of the question, being that, the clouds had started to settle and rain had concluded any chance of an out doors revival. But there was no disappointment, I disliked long walks, especially when it was damp, at the mud would stick to your shoes, or you would be pushed over. Then Mother Lannister would scold you for being a devilish child.

You could be near you death of cold, and our nurse would not pay you the slightest of attention, she was there for the Lannister children. Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. The three children I grew with. All four of the Lannisters with golden blonde hair, myself with auburn. The colour of the devil, as Joffrey had called it.

My parents had died when I was young, I do not know what from, as I never ask, my elder brother died before I was born. Then apparently my three unknown siblings and a cousin, ran from home, they were all born after me,except the cousin, but I did not remember any of them. I do not understand how you could have kept 4 children in secret, it always seems foolish. On his deathbed, my father had asked his friend, Mr. Robert Baratheon, to take me into his care, and two see me as one of his own. Mr Baratheon, was a kind, but a poor deluded man, who died shortly after my dear father, leaving me with the newly named Lannisters, they took their preferred mothers name. Not wanting to shine light on to their Baratheon half.

The mentioned Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen, were now as of present, surrounded at their mothers feet, staring up at her, she was seeming to be reliving there 'troubled' poor minds with a joyous story. Of course, I would not know, as I had been excluded from all family invitations, myself being a unsatisfactory excuse for a young child, whence such fine ones were in front of me.

When I had asked Mrs Lannister why I could not join the 'darlings'. She replied

"Your behavior, is, disgraceful, as far as we see you do not display any sign of knowledge beyond your own interests and you do not thank the hand that feeds you. Taking all and never giving, still being the perfect child you are, you are perfect enough in your own company, but in ours you are insolent, and I will not tolerate it, so, no, you will not be aloud such privileges as being in ours."

The drawing room, where we were situated, was a joining room to the library. I walked into the wooden expanse and my heart leapt at the sight of such joy. The Lannister children and their mother were still in the drawing room, so I picked out my usual. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, all about the 'Voyage of discovery', an expedition from the Missouri River to the northern Pacific coast and back. Sitting myself on the window seat, I sat cross-legged.

I loved the idea of adventure and the unknown, as I, never ventured from the surrounding lands of house. Not a very fascinating life, for any young person. The idea of exploration, and escape, spoke to me like a sentence of hope, that it was over the hills.

"Where are you Rat?" I suddenly heard a whiney whisper of Joffrey. Approaching my hiding place, I drew the curtain silently. Holding my breath so he might walk past me. I clutched the book to my chest and my eyes grew wide as he walked past me. "Myrce, Tom, come, we must find the Rat." His two younger siblings seemed to comply with his orders, they were just as scared of him as me, I could understand that much.

Joffrey was a school boy of sixteen years old: born four years prior to my birth, as I was twelve. A tall weedy boy, with long lanky limbs and a tendency for sweet things, giving him the most unpleasant smell in the mornings. He was intended to be at school, but Mrs Lannister, insisted, his fragile health was wavering and he couldn't be put at risk of illness.

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