Chapter II

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Each morning was the same, you would wake at 9 a.m, then try to wash yourself, though now after two years I had become accustomed to the rare chance of having a real wash, as there were sometimes six girls assigned to one basin. After you washed, you would be yelled at for being to loud, a bell rang after twenty minuted, and we were rushed to the prayer hall. Where prayers were always read by Mrs Smith.

She was always my favoured at The Red Keep. Being a younger and kinder versions of the other teachers. Mr Trant was our head master, and cruel one at that.

Whence the prayers were finished. Mrs Tabbit would screech, "Form Classes!" After another bell. We liked up two in two, walking down corridors to our various classrooms, with Mrs Tabbit behind us shrieking that we should "Be quiet!" and "Hush your devilish mouths." Me and Jeyne would always smile at each other. Clutching each other's hands as we walked to our class.

Normally, you would join at ten,and be in the fifth class, twelve to thirteen and be in the fourth class, fourteen to fifteen and be in the third class, sixteen to seventeen and be in the second class, then finish at eighteen to nineteen and be in first class. I joined at third class, and was not a quick learner at Red Keeps way of discipline. Continuing to answer back, and once she dropped her blackboard resulting in a humiliating experience. With the pedestal of infamy.

When I had answered back to Mrs Tabbit, and Mr Trant had not felt, a mortification of one's flesh, (as he called it) suitable. Our headmaster seemed to enjoy the sight of pain, I saw it in his eyes, the joy of a cane hitting a young girl seemed to electrify and excite him to the point of madness.

In our form classes, we would read from the bible for an hour, after another bell we gladly invited the idea of breakfast! All of us half starved, even if it was only burnt porridge. At a fourth bell, we were ushered back to our classes, for three hours of continuous, reading, writing and arithmetic. The three R's were aparent in every school, as we were told. When I entered the fourth class as I am in now, we began to learn needlework, and art. I detested needlework, but knew it would be helpful to know how to mend clothes. But art was a simple pleasure I wished to exert. I had the pleasure of it in my life.

We would then endure an hour lesson on speaking, in the hall. In which, me and Jeyne had been beaten multiple times, for turning around to find each other and smile or laugh at something said. I can say that we never learnt and it was never something we thought about stopping.

Now it was 3 o'clock, and we would have our break for an hour. Me and Jeyne had found a quiet space of rocks and flowers near the back end of the school, when we first met. Deciding to adopt the place for ourselves and spend all breaks there.

"Why do you allow her to hit you by disobeying?" I asked, myself talking about Mrs Tabbit.

"She does not ever tell me to not do it. Mrs Tabbit tells me that I have sinned, that I have done wrong, that I should be beaten, but she has never, ever, told me I shouldn't do certain things, so I can get a small amount of humour and amusement from her hitting me. As it is with false pretensions she claims my sin, for how would I get to the gates of heaven with no knowledge of how to repair my wrongs?" Nodding I lay back on the rock, looking up to the sky. Jeyne followed my lead and lay next to me.

We began to trace lines in the sky, finding shapes and shifters everywhere. "We will be there someday, at God's feet." Jeyne gestured to the sky above,

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