Untitled Part 10

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Whence I woke, Sansa was still leaning on my chest and I quickly detached myself from her, laying her head tenderly on the sofa pillow. I walked to one of the windows and sat on the cill, opening it I let in the cold morning air and looked to the Godswood at the top of the hill infront of me. The heart tree we had stood under had be slashed in the night from the thunderstorm, the face of the heart tree was split in two and it cried more red tears than ever. But anyway, fuck the God's they only gave me one good thing, one good thing that could be taken at any moment.

I wondered why Sansa still hadn't asked me about my scars, and how she never really looked at them apart from in a curious way. How could someone so pure and utterly innocent not want to know about such a thing? She knows nothing really of the world however wise she may think she seems, and I guessed that questions would be her motive. But nonetheless she keeps quiet.

Then I heard a small yawn, like a puppy waking up, Sansa fisted her eyes like a child and looked more like a child now than ever before. Vulnerable and unknowing, I knew I shouldn't marry her. I knew it was a sin, but I love her and I could not think of a life where I would be better without her. She looked so young but so eager to rush ahead. Why would she want to marry an old man like me. She is a girl of ten and nine, I am of thirty and one. But she still wishes I have her.

"Hello." I hear her say suddenly as she realises where she is.

"I'm sorry sir I must have fallen asleep." She gets up, and I'm confused about why she called me sir, so I walk quickly to her and snake an arm around her middle. Her hand plants itself on the door and she breathes quickly.

His other hand brushes away my hair. As his body presses against my back I lean slightly into him, so my head is next to Sandor's. I could now feel him running his fingertips up my neck and I let out a held breath with anticipation, next he started to nudge his head to my neck, his hand, then his nose, replaced by his lips. I tried to move my arms but he held them to my sides, I was unable to move in the slightest way. Which excited me and made me more wanton, this was a first experience for me and I didn't know what to expect.

He lay kisses all over my neck and licked in a few places, making me jolt. There was a feeling in the area just below my stomach that began to buzz and feel like it was twisting then unraveling, twisting, unraveling. It was the most pleasurable thing I had ever experienced, and I put my legs a little further apart under my dress. Longing for something, I didn't know what. Suddenly Sandor's hand slowly ran down my neck, chest, breasts, stomach, and... he had stopped where I had wanted it most.

Spreading my legs a little further, I could feel he was taking my weight, so I tried to lean forward a little but it was almost impossible considering. Pressing me through my dress I bit my lip, I didn't know what was going on or why I felt like this, or why I would squirm as he pressed me. Then he lifted up my skirts. But I didn't care as long as it didn't stop. Suddenly I was shaking all over and clenching my fists as I jolted in sudden bursts and began to sweat a little more.

My mouth was open but I made only a sighing noise as he drew his hand away and I leant back on him. Panting I stayed with my back on his chest for a while. It felt like my veins were on fire and I couldn't contain it. Staying like that for a few seconds I slowly turned and leant against his chest, putting my arms around his neck.

Sandor stared down at me and my mouth opened a little, I studied his face. But he suddenly pushed me away, forcing me into the door I hit the wood, hard, and turning he walking to the window.

"Why must everyone fucking look? Fuck this!" Putting my hand to my head I felt a wetness in my hair, on the back of my scalp, it was blood. Which didn't blend well with my red hair, but you couldn't see it too much. Standing up I approached Sandor and lay my hand on his bicep. He flinched and pulled it away but I persisted till he stopped moving, holding his arm and stroking it with my fingers.

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