Chapter III

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Now at the back door of the keep, I pushed open the door and pulled my coat close my my chest. Turning, I closed the door behind me with two hands, leaning against the wood I sighed, so this was my employer. The man seemed a moody comparison to what I had thought be could be, he cursed and did not seem to humourus, how a bouncy girl such as Shireen could have possible been sprouted from him and another I do not know.

Which firmed my conclusion that she really was his foster child, for she cannot be his, for he had a hard heart it seemed, not such as the little girl I taught. Walking to the kitchen and to the scullery. Sitting down before the fire I looked into the orange ribbons that licked at the wood. Teasing the skin of its spine, and breaking it after all the skin was gone. How something so thin, so delicate could produce such a destruction I'll never know.

I could understand that my employer had seen the face of fire, in all its unwelcome beauty. If it had not been fire that had inflicted such marks, I did not know what it could be, part from a natural born mutation, perhaps.

My face started to warm up, and my feet were not so frozen. Standing up I walked to the kitchen window, it being a vacant space as of present. Looking up to the forest the mist was still settling between the trees and clouds grey up above, there would be a storm tonight, I knew it. Bringing my hand to my hair, my bun was out of place, and I found my silver bird pin, holding back my hair and securing it at the back.

"Miss Stark." I heard a voice behind me. It was Ella, one of the servants here at the keep. I nodded.

"Mr Clegane has asked you join him, alone in the library, he's not in a fine state madam, he's cursing and I warn you miss." Raising my eyebrows I clasped my hands and followed the maid to the library.

As the door opened, I saw a fire but he was not sitting next to it. He was on one of the couches one leg perched on top of a foot stool infront of him. I walked in front of the fire to stand before him.

"You wanted to see me sir ?" His hand gestured to the space on the couch next to him. Seating myself at a far distance from him, he didn't look at the flames as I did. But at me, scowling.

"Mrs Mordane, tells me, that Shireen is improving in all subjects. That you seem to be good news for the stupid girl." That's concludes my suspiscion of Shireen's parentage, but I must know.

"Am I right, sir? In believing she is not yours?" My employer laughed at that. A low gruff chuckle that send my hairs on end.

"You are miss governess, I was in relations with her mother, Selyse her name was, she was a French dancer, and used my attraction to wind her way to my English money, right from my English pocket before running off and leaving her child. I thought it only decent to take her in, even if I detest children."

"Do you sir?"

"Yes, so she repeated everything she is told. Yes, I do hate children,they are not good company nor interesting. I suppose you were a, polite quiet child Miss Stark?" At that point I would have laughed if it were not for his eyes fixed on me. Running down my seated figure.

"You are quite wrong, I was a loud, insolent, hard hearted fool, who didn't understand discipline. That's what Mrs Lannister always said to me." He nodded.

"And who is this, Mrs Lannister." He glared at me.

"The woman who brought me up, my mother, father and elder brother, are dead, and on his deathbed my father asked his friend to take me in, he died shortly after my father and I was left to the widowed Mrs Baratheon. Who took back her maiden name for her and her children."

"No tale for you, only a bringing up and a school?" I nodded. "No siblings or relatives."

"I was told that I have three unknown siblings and a cousin that ran away, but no, not that I know of."

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