Untitled Part 12

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A bump jolted me back from my sleep. A small pothole that sent my side of the carriage up in the air. I was still perched apon Sandor's legs, which could have been precarious were he not holding me tightly around the waist and looking into my eyes. Running a hand along his stomach I felt his muscles and breathed slower. Not wanting to look up at Sandor, I kept my eyes at his stomach. Wrapping an arm around his middle I buried my head in his shoulder and nuzzled at his neck.

After a few minutes, I realised something. It was all great, being Sandor fiance, we cared for each other. But, he had never told me where he got his scars from. I could remember, he had told me he would tell he one day, and that it was, a tale for another day as such. But when would that other day be.

"Sandor." I finally spoke up, he grunted.

"Now that, we will be married. There's to be no secrets between us, yes?" Looking up at him, I saw his tired expression and to his great protest and pulling, I sat on the bench opposite him. He leant over his knees, his head down, looking at the floor.

"What do you want?" He sounded so exasperated and angry that I was almost afraid to ask.

"What do you want!" He roared. My heart beat fast and I pulled my knees up to my chest and went to the other corner of the bench. There was no noise from him or me for some time, I buried my head in my knees and folded my arms above my head, hiding me. I didn't know it would set him off like it did, maybe he took it the wrong way, or maybe he knew exactly what I wanted to ask. He probably did didn't he, oh God. Well if I speak now he'll just yell at me and I don't want that, I don't think I should talk to him at all till this journey. This might be tedious.

Time went by and I kept my head on my knees, to scared to look at my fiance, I felt stupid and couldn't understand why I couldn't look at the man I cared about most in the world. Being younger, I thought that could have some say in it, but how that could affect my not being able to look at him is a mystery. To be honest, it didn't, myself being younger should have no affect on my cowardice. But I needed something to blame, or someone. I guess I could just blame myself.

It was only when, almost 6 hours mayhaps, of no talking, the carriage came to a stop. I picked my head up from my knees, to see Sandor staring at me, intently. I couldn't judge his expression, it was unreadable wether he was angry or not. Drying my eyes, I straightened out my bun and then the driver opened the door. Sandor stepped out first then waited for me as I stepped down the small step. Looking around me. I was in in London. A city. A big, big city. I had never been anywhere aside from the countryside and this was great. Sandor walked toward one of the buildings and I followed him, close on his heel. Walking through the golden doors, with a great sign saying, the metropolis, there were many people in it. Though it was quiet, there was a desk with a man standing behind it, who smiled at Sandor. But I knew he wouldn't take to it well.

While I was daydreaming and looking around, Sandor was speaking to the man who then gave him a key, my fiance walked around a corner and then up a flight of stairs, then another, till he went through another set of doors and arrived at a corridor of many white and gold trimmed doors. Walking up to one of them, he opened it with the key, opening it, I walked in slowly, and was taken aback. It was a double bed, with an en-suite bathroom and a desk, a wardrobe and a large window with a veranda. Taking off my coat and hat, I hung them on a peg near me, walking around the room I smiled looking back at Sandor. He just looked angry and sad, like he always did. I closed the door and then took his overcoat off him.

Running my hands along his back and on top of their shoulders I leant on his back, with my hands just reaching to his chest. Sandor made no movement, but I saw him clench his fists, before the eruption the happened next. Wrenching my arms off his he pushed me away and then ran his hand through his hair, he was angry and nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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