Chapter VIII

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When I got back from riding with Margaery, I knew maybe it was wrong to do what I was doing. But fuck morals, what did they ever do for me? Forgive and forget? That's never happening. I know that I just wanted to make Sansa jealous, but I mean, is that bad? Would it even make any difference? I doubt it. Besides, I have other problems to worry about.

The evening of the riding, I was in the drawing room, in an armchair far from the harth. Margaery approached me, and I looked at her, laying my brandy down on the table.

"So, Clegane your pet governess has left. The girl shall have to survive on her own." Margaery raised her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"I've been looking around the place, I like it, of course. But, it could do with the touch of a woman, a little femininity in places I could see." Swinging some brandy I laughed.

"Then you're the woman to do it?"

"Perhaps, it doesn't rely on me to make that decision." Sitting down in the seat in front of me she sat up straight and I felt pretty drunk at this stage.

"What do you want, Margaery?" I asked, stony faced.

"What any woman wants, power, money, influence. What do you want Clegane? I can see you mean not to marry me, but you invited me back alone, why?" Leaning forward she pored herself some brandy and leant back in the armchair looking like any other man.

"Why should that concern you? Who I invite to my house."

"As it was I who was invited." She took a long swig and I nodded.

"True, true, fine then, I thought I could use you to make another jealous." Margaery seemed to relish at the fact and leant forward eyes asking, who. I shook my head. But just was sure she alreadly knew who.

Two weeks later when Margaery left, I found myself bored. There was no one to talk to. The Little Bird still had not returned from her travels even though it was a week's leave just gave her, but I suppose she never listens. How can I ever get her to desire me when she always holds up a barrier? The fact of me being her employer and she said it was a sin, which I certainly don't understand.

But how I wish she was here now. To see the Little Bird's devilish hair. How I could tease her about anything, or make her happy, or make her sad. Touch her, see her, feel her, ugh when shall she come back to me? I know until always scare her, but, she doesn't mind she likes it really, anyway it's my character, so, fuck niceties.

I cannot say I was displeased as I departed from Casterly House, but, it could have been treated better. Daisy told me it was best to leave as soon as I could. I had been a month away from Clegane Keep, while my employer had permitted me only one week. As after the funeral for Mrs Lannister, Myrcella begged me to stay till the end of the month when she was going to London with her uncle Jaime.

The stay brought me slight apprehension to the thought of going back. But, I was packed up into a carriage at 6 a.m a month later, and was told the journey would take at least six hours. With the long journey ahead Daisy had given me some food from the kitchens to take with me.

Falling asleep in the carriage I was only woken when we arrived back at the road to Clegane, I was dropped off in the town next to the keep and was given my case. Putting down my hood I stood still for a minute looking at the sky, then it began to rain. The sky had been teasing the clouds for a while now and now they gave the full on pour down. Gripping my case with white knuckles I took off my gloves and put them in the case along with my bonnet. I let the rain coat me and the smells infuse me. Whence I got into the forest near the keep where I had first met Clegane I laid down my case when I arrived at a clearing. Taking off the cloak I lay it along with my case under a tree out of the rain. Rolling my head I walking into the clearing, putting my arms out I began to spin.

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