Chapter IV

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For the next few days, I saw little of Mr Clegane, and our meeting in the evening stopped a few days in as he gone away. I started to realise that, I missed him, I was distracted while teaching Shireen and she didn't seem to mind, as it meant less work for her.

"Where is Mr Clegane?" I asked Mrs Mordane one morning, after he has been away for nearly month.

"At Highgarden miss, he usually stays there for weeks. Then comes back with a story about Miss Tyrell." When I asked about Miss Tyrell. Mrs Mordane proceeded to tell me of the noble born Tyrells, Olenna Redwyne and her husband Lothor, then their three children. After she focussed on Mace, Olenna and Lothor's first born, and his children Margaery, Loras, Willas and Garlan, and Miss Margaery being Mr Clegane's main focus. She told me of how she had sang for him the last time she was here, and how he always seemed charmed. She had expected a marriage last year, but none had come. "Maybe this year." she told me.

I thought Mr Clegane would not succumb to such flattery as to make a proposal, maybe I was wrong about his character? Now all I truly desired, was to be in his company once more, still not understanding why, I walked to my solar in the evening. Sitting on the window seat, I pulled out a book from under the cushion, The journal of Lewis and Clark. Hah, I would say to Joffrey's grave if I ever saw it.

It was the first thing I had bought with my first salary, savoring the blissful feel of revenge. I now started from the page I had remembered ever since I was twelve. Pg 120, oh what a long journey it has been, but now I shall finish you. The clock strung twelve a.m and I had been reading since ten. Putting the book down on the cushions, I drew the curtains and took the candle with me.

Apon waking I heard horses outside and ran to the window. Pulling back the curtain I peeked outside to see, it was Mr Clegane with another rider, who had hair of silver. But he was not old. I dressers quickly, as the hour was eight already, walking to the lower breakfast room after fetching Shireen.

"Miss Stark." I heard as I passed through the hall in the evening, not having seen Mr Clegane the whole of the day, he was know in front of me.

"Yes. Sir?" He stared angrily at me. "Yes, Mr Clegane."

"Is it not good manners to greet someone after a long while apart?" He asked.

"If I am not wanted, then no." There was a silence in which he was stepping closer to me, and with instinct I started to step backward away from him.

"You are afraid of me still?"

"I do not know if afraid is the right word. There is apprehension, in all that I do in the company of men. For they are unknown creatures and I have no knowledge of them. I hear, I hear, you went to Highgarden?" I swear I saw him sigh.

"Yes." Mr Clegane answered.

"To court the Miss Tyrell?" I asked.

"You know of her?" He replied.

"I have been told, yes." He stepped toward me now, and I did not move. We were quite alone, in the light of a few candles and no fire. He lay his hand on my neck, the back of his hand trailed around my neck, and I swallowed. His mouth was slightly open and the hair around his mouth and jaw moved. Looking up into his eyes, he edged closer again. Mr Clegane's hand now resting above my breast. Our heads got closer and my breathing increased as he and I turned our heads and I could feel his hand resting apon my breast now.

It send a fire through my veins, something I had never felt, the touch of another that was not harsh. I wanted it, needed it, maybe. But I was scared. Stopping before our heads touched I whispered. "Goodnight Mr Clegane." Before running back and up the stairs.

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