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Eryx's Book 1

Eryx Prolog

Tuesday morning was steamy. I felt a hand on my face and opened my eyes to see Ray, my wife. She had moved all the work-related papers that had been sitting on my desk, and seeing all of her curves had made my trousers pop with excitement. Ray was a flirtatious woman with a strong sense of self, which I adored about her. She also played with every part of my body like a toy.

She pressed her body against mine as she showed off her, perfect tits. Rubbed on my muscled chest,

giving me a hot flush at the same time and captivating me with the touch of her skin. The sensation of her body heat on my skin was incredible.

As my wife leaned in and kissed me on the lips, my thoughts seemed to be floating through the air.

I grabbed my wife's ass as a soft moan escaped from her exotic lips that opened with my squeeze on her ass. I had taken my middle index finger and placed her fallen strands of hair behind her ear to reveal her naked neck as

I sucked the skin flirtatiously. making her even more seductive than before. Making

My wife stood up from me and reached for my trousers when she found my enormous dick poking out from between my trousers. My dick length dramatically increased by 2 inches as the pulse grew intensely every minute. I could have resisted for much longer, but my wife's rough handling of my boxers caused me to flinch. Ray's arm around my neck like if it were possessed by a devil, as the belt is around my waist. I could hear the rapid pulse of my heart. I smack her neck with my lips and savor the sweet taste of her skin.

Radiation was being produced by our bodies. While my gorgeous, seductive wife skillfully closed on my gigantic cock with her lips, causing my head to tip back making me groan. , Ray kneeled down and stared at it with lustful yearning. I put one of my muscle hands on her gigantic tits because this was a novel experience for me, which made her body reach with anticity which gave me a smirk on Eryx face

Eryx thrusts his hulking dick inside of her as she screamed out, all her senses heightening at each thrust causing her to scream even louder. Eryx grasped her right leg switching positions so he could go deeper. Ray's grip on the desk was so tight from holding on that her fingers started to bleed. Eryx let go of her leg and wrapped them around his waist, while she put her arms around his neck placing her head on his shoulder. Taking her cherry stained lips and licking up his neck to his earlobe, nibbling there which made Eryx smile.

He carried her out of the office and into his bedroom, where he had chain dildoes and other sex toys scattered about. When he did so, he let out a faint sigh. Ray was more of a hard gal who liked BDSM, but after getting to know Eryx, it seemed as though his personality had changed. As Eryx kissed Ray, he slowly carried her into the spare room.

Ray continued to hold out his youthful lip as he carefully lowered her onto her back and kissed the parts of her body that were entwined with his. Ray could feel every part of Eryx, including the heft of his chest, the hardness of his dick, and the way his lips touched her recently blushed skin. laying on the bed, he lowered his head towards her vagina and put on his manly lips. He could not have asked for a greater creation than most. consume as though it were his morning meal

Eryx licked her clitoris and played with her vagina like it was a toy as Ray's arm gripped the bed cover like a sharp pin and made her groan louder. Eryx then leaned up off the bed, walked to the table, and picked up one of the dildos from the shelf. He then calmly walked back and took off her jacket while still wearing his shirt. He then crept onto her bed and smiled while taking off her shirt. He turned to face his wife, Vagina, leaned toward her, and spoke softly into her ear, saying, "My sweetie." He teased his wife with his sexy attitude, grabbing her and trusting his ick inside like a thumping torpedo.

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