Important Meeting

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chapter 3 Important meeting

Eryx felt that his mother was protecting him from something more than heartbreak; he knew that she didn't like Ray, and even he was beginning to have mixed feelings about whether she could be trusted. He feels these emotions coming toward his brain. Eryx placed his hands over his face, feeling like all of the stuff he planned was going horribly. FUCK in thought in his mind, his mom spoke with a strange tone, "Son, is anything wrong?" "I feel like something went wrong, and you became very quiet." He answered without a hint of regret, "I'm fine." I was just in a trance of thought. Sorry to make you worry. "I will have this meeting, then I will come straight to see you."

She went silent for the moment, like he told her not to worry. The next thing you hear is a cough on the phone. Eryx face turn from happy to a panic looked that looked consent he placed down the got up walked out told his Assistant to reschedule the meeting he had to go see his mother to see how she was he apologized to everyone say he had to go see his mother he grabbed his coat that was on that was hung on the back of his chair rushed out the door everyone was surprise

that he had family to go to visit Ray his wife had been spreading roamers that his parents abandoned him when he was only six years old that child serveries placed him in an orphanage which made them wonder why his wife was making up these Rumours they gossiped one them spoke " his wife told me that he got abused from a very young age that why they put him they even his mom was a drugged attracted I wonder if it true"

they would all gossip be hide his back to them self without noticing that one of Eryx men were there back at Eryx mom house she was tending to the flowers in her Garden she had white lily in bloom roses witch was her favour flower which match her personality she was cam fairly light snow skin her hair was dark ember like an Arabian crystal she wear a long snow white dress that cover her feet her eyes

were light blue like the blue sea hear her name being called she looked to see one of her maids saying her son has arrived Eryx came from around the corner her mouth turned into a bright smile that looked like she was happy to see him he slowly walked to her give her a hug tell her sorry he was late he had a meeting that could be rescheduled anytime

She saw how he carried himself. He was all grown up. She couldn't recognise him. He took a plastic bag out that was full of fruit he brought from the shop for her. He spoke, "Are you alright, mother?" You didn't sound too well on the phone. " I was worried about you that I told my staff member to reschedule the meeting so could come straight to visit you"

Eryx could see how exhausted she was. It looked like all her energy had completely drained from her face. He felt like he could do a lot more for his mom than she had done for him. He continued to speak, "If only I had a much better job that I could provide for us by getting you a lot more medical care, I feel like I'm not doing enough for you." His face looked really down. His mother grabbed him into a hug. She remarked softly, "You have done much more for his mom than she has done for him." He continued to speak, "If only I had a much better job that I could provide for us by getting you a lot more medical care, I feel like I'm not doing enough for you."

His face looked really down. His mother grabbed him into a hug and replied to him softly, "You have done much more for me than you will ever know." You help me by being there when I need you the most. "You have been a blessing." Eryx smiled at his mom, knowing he had a wonderful mother who gave birth to him. If it weren't for his father, he wouldn't have made every single day a living hell.

His mom knew Eryx was annoyed that his father abandoned him and his mother for his other family. It made him sick to his stomach to even think about it. The day went by on the other side of the world, and a new CEO was raised to take his father's place at one of the world's largest companies. Everyone was busy that evening due to the new business client that would triple their profit and put them face-to-face with Eryx Company. Issara was taken over by her father's company as the new CEO, and everyone was getting ready for her arrival.

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