Fight For You

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Chapter 9

Eryx let go of Nola, taking out his phone from his back pocket and dialling Austin's number to hear it go to voice mail, which was pretty odd since he usually answers. He called Mishka, a loyal friend of Austin, asking where he was, and she told him.

He was in an important meeting with his father, who would decide on inheriting the company from his brother. Eryx told her to call him afterwards; he had something important to tell him.

She said that she would tell him immediately, and he hung up the phone. Nola rushed up the stairs to get the fake money ready for Ray so they could rescue them, his mother nodded as she ran up the stairs to get the briefcase while.

Eryx sorted out the fake blank paper under a row of fresh notes so they could fool his ex-wife, Ray. His phone went off, and he answered it was Awena, one of his mom's close friends who was also in the military for about six years in Iraq. that had a lot of bombings and people there that needed help, she spoke, "Hello Eryx, long time no see. I heard you have grown up well. Could I speak to your mother, please". He told her that she had been kidnapped by his ex from the house; they had to recuse her. Though Austin was in an important meeting that was going to take a while, he didn't know what to do.

she told him that she would make her way over to his house to make a plan to rescue her from his crazy ex back at the hotel Ray was smiling, seeing Eryx's mother in her grasp and knowing he would do anything to get his mother back from her. She opened her eyes after seeing Ray's eyes turn cold. Ray spoke "You're awake too bad this will be you last time you be seeing your son if he doesn't get here and follow my instruction to the note, I left him although if he doesn't follow them your life will come to an end" Ray looked at her laughing seeing how her face was trembling with fear everything was going according to her plan

With Eryx's mother's life on the line, Eryx would do anything to get her back Ray walked out of the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Grace was wild alone she felt like that, Eryx would do the right thing for himself by not following, the commands of his ex-wife he was much strong, then Ray realised she spoke in a sad tone" Eryx, I know you will make the right deception my son hurry quick before my life comes to an end, I want to see you become a strong person better than your father ever could with me and the others beside you"

She pulled her arms out, trying to get out of the ropes, but she couldn't escape the tears that came down her face, knowing that if her son didn't come, she would die here in this hotel with his crazy ex outside. Ray walked to the window, took a cigarette out of her pocket, and lit it. She opened the window to let some air into the room so the smoke detector wouldn't go off. An evil smile came to her face, thinking she had won without being aware.

that her phone was going off, she doubted her cigarette. Picking up her phone, it was Edan. She was one of Ray's friends from primary school. She was only hanging around when she had money, which didn't accomplish anything. She spoke, "Eden, what do you do?" I'm really busy at the moment. How may I help you? She told her that she would be there in half an hour. She hung up the phone.

Puffing her cigarette smoke out of her mouth. Seeing a car light, thinking it was Eden, thinking it was time to torment Eryx's mother, Ray suddenly saw a broad figure get out of the car. Eryx looked handsome as always with his dark black hair green and dark skin Ray's mouth smiled like it was thinking everything was going her way Eryx brought out the briefcase, showing it. She smiles, walking, taking the gun from the side of the dresser, placing it in her back pocket, carefully strolling toward the front white-patterned hotel door, opening it with her hands, and looking around to see if there were any sighs from the others. She slowly walks down the dark rocky steps onto the hard stone path street, walking slowly towards

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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