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"What do you feel when we are here like this?", she asked. She couldn't read his mind. She didn't even know how he really felt about her. He let her cuddle up really close and lean on him while they were watching a movie in bed. It was really cozy below the blanket and she felt safe. She'd never felt so safe before. She was content, but there was still this sting. She'd always wanted exactly this. This situation, this amazing feeling when you're just so warm from the inside and happy, but she still couldn't have it. She knew she'd go home in two weeks. She knew this wouldn't last. And she didn't know if he thought and felt the same. It had always been hard to guess what he was thinking, but he was always kind to her. 
Actions speak louder than words they said, but what if there are no words? Can actions lie? And how do you interpret non-actions? When he didn't reply for a month. She didn't know what to make of it.

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