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hi! i wanted to tell you that the plot is kinda silly, actually i I took a lot of things from the game and put them into this story, because I didn't want to just use all the story and dialog from the game. I just wanted a pretext for a romance with bigby, really.

hope you enjoy!

"ONCE UPON A TIME, deep in a magical forest, there was the Fairyland, where the fairies of that kingdom lived. Each group of fairies had their powers and their functions, thus maintaining the harmony and balance of nature.

One day, the Queen gave birth to two babies. The older one was born without wings, which was very unusual. Her power was over the waters and the name she was given was Maya; the Fairy of the Waters.

The younger one had a magic so strong that it manifested itself as soon as the baby was born: she made nature grow around her, from ivy to the tallest trees. Thus, the fairy was named Ivy; the Flora Fairy.

Later, the two sisters proved to be much more powerful; their magic was not only limited in the powers of nature, but they could control objects and manipulate energy. The royal fairies were the most powerful in the kingdom; their magic could compare with that of sorceresses.

Ivy grew up to be the most beautiful fairy in the kingdom, with the largest and most beautiful pair of wings. When the Queen died, the mantle was passed to Ivy, since Maya, the eldest, had no wings and was mocked by everyone in the kingdom for it. Blinded by jealousy, Maya used her magic to curse Ivy: "I will make her lose her wings and take them for myself", she said.

And so it came to pass: the next day, Ivy woke up without her very desirable wings, and was ridiculed by all the fairies in the kingdom. She became so melancholy that nature began to die, food became scarce, and the situation in the kingdom became deplorable. Hungry, Ivy's sister gave her her wings back, hoping that the plants would grow again and food would sprout again. Ivy, now with her beautiful wings back, made the plants grow on the ground and climb the trees, but the fairies didn't celebrate, instead they began to get sick and die: the Flower Fairy had rooted the kingdom with poison ivy. It turned out that she was a very vengeful fairy."

That's the mundane version of the Flower Fairy story, but fables are hard to kill. The fairies were intoxicated and suffered for a few weeks, but survived. Ivy went on to live alone and away from the other fairies, and was considered insane for poisoning them all.

Some time later, Ivy met a prince who wished to marry a fairy. She left with him, leaving her sister even more jealous, despite everything that happened. When the Adversary attacked, Ivy was able to survive, but her prince died.

During her flight into exile, her wings grew tired, and she was forced to walk. Only, hidden among the mountains was a huge wolf, some ten feet tall, which the fairy soon recognized as the Big Bad Wolf. He was wounded and hungry, and moved forward to attack the fairy, but he didn't when he sniffed her. She had a familiar scent, a very strong and pleasant smell. The fairy reached out her hand to the wolf, and healed him of his wounds.

Centuries later, Ivy the Wolf and many other fables live in hiding, mostly in New York City, their society was called Fabletown and those with a little more money lived in a building called Woodlands. The fables that were not human were supposed to use a magic called "glamour" to look human, otherwise they were to be sent to the farm.

Ivy, for her healing abilities and knowledge of herbs, worked assisting Doctor Swineheart, an extremely skilled and precise doctor. The Wolf, named Bigby Wolf, became sheriff of Fabletown about two hundred years ago. His boss was Snow White, deputy mayor of Fable Town.

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