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THE FABLES MANAGED TO ESCAPE and were beginning to adapt to new life among the mundanes. There weren't many, in fact, the vast majority of the population at that time were the fables themselves. Ivy didn't really know what to think. And not having her wings and powers anymore didn't help.

She was in Mr. Crane's class, looking out the window. The weather was bad, it was going to rain soon. She was still thinking about that wolf the other day. Where did he go? Wouldn't he join the other fables? He would end up dying in that forest. It wasn't safe to be this close to the Homelands.

- Miss Ivy! You're daydreaming again! - Crane hit the table with the ruler, frightening the fairy.

- Forgive me, master. - She lowered her head.

She wasn't used to living even with her own fairies, since everyone feared her, so living with humans was new. Not that they were too different from the fairies, but Crane was bad news.

As soon as the class was over, Ivy went to her dorm and took a magic sword, which allowed her to hide her wings and pointed ears. She broke into the men's dorm and stole a few pieces of clothing, already sure of what she was going to do next.

She ran into the woods and undone the magic of the sword, returning to her true form, and that suffocating garment disappeared and gave way to her white fairy dress. She flapped her wings and flew, spread her arms and closed her eyes, feeling the wind hit her face and flutter her long brown hair. How was she supposed to live without that?

Ivy stopped for a moment and pondered whether to continue flying in that direction. It was still dangerous to go there, but... She couldn't stop thinking about the Wolf.

The first raindrops fell on the fairy's skin, and she smiled as the rain thickened and wet her.Ivy flew and flew, until arriving in the same forest she was in a few weeks ago. It didn't take long to find him hiding in a cave, high on a mountain. The rain was heavy and thunder began to crash. Probably not wise to stay in a forest.

She entered the cave where the Wolf was, and he just wiggled his ears when she appeared. He had smelled the fairy long before she arrived.

She stared at his big yellow eyes before extending the dagger to him, who said something for the first time:

- What is that.

His voice was low and rough, and Ivy even shuddered a little.

- This sword will make you human, if you want. - she explained. - You will no longer need to hide and will be safe with the other fables. Master Crane can instruct you.

The Wolf did not seem very convinced at first. He crossed his paws and supported his chin on them, snorting.

- Please, Mr. Wolf - she has come a step closer. - I'm not leaving until you accept.

He didn't like the idea, but she was right. The war the Adversary caused didn't give him much choice. He hadn't eaten in days, and was still in danger of being attacked in that forest.
But that still didn't seem like a good idea. The Wolf didn't know how to be human... It wouldn't work out.

Ivy put the sword to the ground and kicked it close to him, who raised his head and stared at the dagger.

If that was his only option, so be it. Besides, that stubborn fairy would not leave him alone until he accepted her request.


Bigby left Ivy's apartment and immediately lit a cigarette, going down to the basement, where Peter was chained. The bastard was asleep when Bigby arrived.

He punched one of the pipes into the walls, scaring the killer.

- Oh, sorry. Did I woke you up? - Bigby said, mocking. Peter said nothing, trying to fit into the chair he was tied to.

Bigby crossed his arms and raised his chin.

- Why did you kill Lily?

- I thought she was Ivy. - Peter replied, and Bigby raised an eyebrow. Usually people didn't answer him so quickly.

- And why did you want to kill Ivy?

- I was doing my job.

- Which is to kill fables? - Bigby fought back, outraged.

- You know, Wolf, It's not easy to make money in the city of fables. Some of us don't have the privilege of being sheriff in the fanciest building in the community. - Peter replied, in a tone so calm that Bigby was suspicious.

- Who hired you.

- I won't say, Wolf. - Peter's expression was contempt. And the way he said "Wolf"...

Bigby shifted his body weight to one leg, still deciding if he would still be nice.

- Last chance, Peter. - Bigby growled.

- Wont. Say. - Peter spat.

Well, he tried to be nice.

Bigby pressed the tip of the cigarette on the back of the killer's hand, who screamed.

- Bastard!

- So... are you gonna tell me now? - Bigby gave me a mean smile.

- You can kill me if you want. I'm not gonna snitch.

Bigby shrugged and punched Peter in the nose. The blood flowed quickly.

While he cursed Bigby's name, Ivy entered.

- So? - She stopped next to Bigby, who looked at her.

- Nothing. - Bigby turned to him and decided to look for something in his pockets; he should have done it before.

- What's in there? - Ivy asked, crossing her arms.

A picture of Ivy, a switchblade, a pistol and... silver bullets?

- Were you thinking of killing me too, Peter?

The killer gave a side smkile before answering:

- I knew you were going to get in my way. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to use those bullets before.

Bigby closed his fist, now angrier than before.

- Bigby... - Ivy called and he looked, approaching when she said nothing more.

- What is it? - he asked, worried.

- I think I know who hired him. - she said, avoiding looking into Bigby's eyes. He knew she was nervous.

- Who?

- My sister - she replied, biting her thumb nail.

- How do you know?

- Peter said something in the alley that made me understand it... It had already crossed my mind, but I did not want to believe.

Bigby put his eyebrows together.

- Ivy!

- I know, I should have told you! I just... I'm sorry. - she hid her face. Bigby sighed.

- All right.

- Hey! Forgot about me? - Peter complained. - Will you keep torturing me, or will you throw me in prison?

- I should throw your ass down the Witching Well - Bigby replied.

- Will you? - Ivy asked.

- I don't know. I have to talk to Snow first. We don't have time for that right now - he replied. And he was right.

Now that they got to the bottom of it, it was time to finish the story and get the person behind it all:
Ivy's sister, Maya. 

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