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- Let's go to the terrace - Bigby said, holding Ivy's arm. They went, hoping the fight would happen outside, where there was no one. And that it was a very quick fight.

Peter followed them to the terrace, and right behind him was Maya.

- How the hell did you escape? - Bigby asked Peter.

- He got help. - Maya replied, with her chin up. - Besides, I owed him a favor.

So she escaped from prison with his help.

- Why are you still doing this, Maya? - Ivy stepped up.

Maya's expression was insane: her eyes were wide and she had a scary smile on her face.

- Because you threw me in prison and left me there to die. You've always been a drag on my life, Ivy. - Maya has also taken a step.

As the two spoke, Peter stared at Bigby as if to attack him at any moment, so he prepared to transform if necessary.

- For God's sake, Maya. You've been doing this for centuries!

- And I'll keep going until you're dead. - Maya whispered. Ivy took a step back. She was completely insane.
A blue pixie dust appeared in Maya's hands, and Ivy blocked him with her own magic before Maya hurled it towards Ivy and Bigby.

- You stole everything from me! - Maya threw another energy beam at Ivy, and before Bigby could do anything, an arrow was stuck in his shoulder. Peter walked towards him with the gaze of a true murderer.

But Bigby was way above him in the food chain.

While these two "resolved", Maya walked to Ivy with the same look as Peter.

- You're fucking crazy! - Ivy said, throwing a lightning bolt of power at her sister, which had her thrown across the terrace.

The water in the pool began to shake, as if there was someone inside, and the sky gathered so many clouds that it was possible to see even at night.


- You took my crown - Maya attacked, Ivy swerved. - You took the prince - the storm began to fall and the pool water began to overflow. - And the wings. These wings were supposed to be mine!

Lord. Was she still jealous of the wings?! Some people really wouldn't let go of the past...

Ivy unraveled her glamour, revealing the spoken wings. She flew, deflecting another trail of blue power.

At the same time as Ivy undone his glamour, Bigby did the same. Peter had no power, but he was quite skilled with his blows. But not skilled enough for the Big Bad Wolf.

A lightning strike struck and Bigby turned into a werewolf without Peter even noticing. He did not retreat.

As Ivy flew up, she saw that Peter had that pistol they saw in the interrogation, which meant that it was loaded with those silver bullets.


Ivy flew as fast as she could and grabbed the pistol from Pedro's hand, flying away and dodging Maya's magic.

- Come down here and fight like a woman! - Maya said, since Ivy was flying too high and she couldn't reach.

Peter looked up, despairing to realize that he was without the pistol and had an angry werewolf in front of him.

- Maya... - Peter called.

The water in the pool and the rain were so strong that the ground downstairs was already flooding. If they weren't on the top floor, they'd be underwater.

Maya attacked Bigby, who roared at her.

- I'm not afraid of a lap dog! - she "roared " back.

The storm was so strong that Ivy's wings couldn't bear to fly anymore. She went down and, at the same minute, Peter advanced, trying to retrieve the pistol.

The two fell to the ground, with Peter above her, trying at all costs to get the gun out of her hand.

- Get off me, psycho! - she screamed and fired the pistol. Peter stopped.

Ivy took advantage and pushed him, standing up. She didn't hit him or anyone. She just made a noise to distract him.

It turns out that Bigby got distracted too, giving Maya a break to attack him again with her magic. She "held" him, just like Ivy did it to Pedro in the alley. Bigby was paralyzed.

- Let him go! - Ivy pushed Maya, who before falling off the terrace, held her sister, taking her along. They fell into the river that Maya herself caused, and only then did she see the size of the flood she had caused.

But she didn't care.

Maya controlled the water so she wouldn't take it, but let Ivy drown in a whirlpool she made.Bigby jumped off the terrace, finally reaching his final form: a big, bad wolf.

The water only hit his chest, but Maya soon realized and increased the water. Ivy was right when she said she could create a flood.

Maya used the water to climb back to the terrace, where Peter was still.

- I told you to kill him! - she complained.

- She took the gun!

- You don't need the silver bullets to kill him!

Peter looked at her, frowning.

- You underestimate him.

Bigby was underwater now, too, but it made it easier to find Ivy. And he had plenty of breath.He swam and it didn't take long to find Ivy unconscious. He took her with his mouth, careful not to bite her, and carefully placed her on a balcony where the water did not arrive.

Now, to finish them off...

The Wolf stood and retracted his chin, his mouth was open.

- What is he doing? - Maya asked, confused. Peter swallowed hard.

- He's gonna huff and puff.

Peter grabbed Maya and tried to run inside, but Bigby threw all of Maya's water at her. His wind was strong enough to move a lake.

The water hit the terrace, knocking them both down. Peter grabbed onto a railing from a balcony, but Maya fell to the ground, where the water had dried up because she stopped controlling it. She broke a few ribs, but didn't die.

- Argh... - she tried to get up while Bigby's shadow covered her.

She reached out and the magic tried to hit Bigby, but he put his paw on Maya, preventing her from doing anything.

- Fucking wolf - she spat blood. He roared in response, making her shut up.

He couldn't tell if she would survive or not, but as said, fables are hard to kill.

Suddenly, the Wolf let out another roar, but this time it was of pain.

Peter was behind him, and he had found the pistol. He aimed at the Wolf and shot without thinking twice. He laughed mockingly.

- I finally got my revenge on the Big Bad Wolf!

The bullet hit Bigby's rib, and even though he was in his wolf form, it did some damage. He became weak and fell, but Ivy woke up with the sound of the shot.

She coughed, spitting water, but soon got up and flew to the ground before Peter took Maya.

- Hey, assholes! - she screamed, making poison ivy grow from the ground and hold them both. The poison in the plant wouldn't take long to make them disoriented, to say the least.

- Wretch! - Maya cursed, but Ivy ignored. She then turned to Bigby, who was lying on the street. The silver bullet had left a trail of magic at the location it hit, making it easier for Ivy to remove it.

- It's okay, Bigby. I'm here. - she said, putting her hands in the hole the bullet made. Bigby roared.

After a rather unpleasant moment, she found the bullet, pulling it out of Bigby's body. She threw the object away, concentrating on closing the wound.

- Ivy...

- Sh. You're fine. - she said. Her magic healed the damage, and she took the bullet out fast enough so the toxin wouldn't spread.

Bigby slowly returned to being human and his clothes were nearby, torn, but he could wear them. Ivy turned to the couple, facing her sister. It was never gonna end until one of them was dead, and in that scenario, it wasn't gonna be Ivy.

- Now what? - Bigby approached, dressed.

But she wouldn't kill Maya. She was no longer the same fairy from the fable, and would not stoop to the same level as Maya.

Besides... she didn't know if she had the courage. After all, they grew up together and were still sisters, although they didn't like each other very much.

Ivy couldn't do it.

- We'll lock them up. - she told Bigby, but Maya listened, being amazed for a second.

- You won't kill me? - she asked and looked at Peter, who had the same surprised expression.

Bigby looked at Ivy. He wasn't exactly surprised, but he wasn't sure if Ivy knew what she was doing. After all, Maya was in prison before all this happened, and yet she escaped.

- Are you sure? - he asked quietly.

- No. - she replied. - But I can't kill her.

Bigby nodded. Maybe they used magic so the two wouldn't run away.

But they wouldn't get away with it this time.

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