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Ivy didn't want to admit it, but she was busted. Peter really beat her up. She felt that her ribs were going to collapse at any moment and her head hurt so badly that she felt the blood pulsating. Of course Bigby would notice.

Peter was in the basement, waiting to be interrogated, and Bigby was taking Ivy to her apartment. Not that she needed him to accompany her.

- You look like shit. - he said and she laughed, holding her belly.

- You've been better too. - She said back, and it was true. Jersey Devil managed to draw blood from the wolf, and ended up leaving a cut on his forehead. Besides the rib pain.

- At least I won my fight. - Bigby smiled sideways.

- Hey, I won too! - she laughed. Her laugh was his favorite sound.

She went into the apartment, but Bigby stood at the door.

- I'm going to take a shower. I feel filthy. - she said, going in. - Come back here later so I can take care of this cut on your face. - Ivy said before she disappeared down the hall.

Bigby closed the door and went to his own apartment, thinking he should also take a shower. Besides being dirty, he was exhausted. Three whole days without sleep isn't for everyone.

He couldn't stop thinking about the last few days. But at the time, he couldn't stop thinking about Ivy. He knew she could heal, but he still felt bad about imagining her at the hands of that murderer. Maybe he was just being protective. Still, this situation could have gone much worse.

And Ivy was upset about what Peter implied about her sister. She knew that was an option from the beginning, she just didn't want to admit... Bigby would be mad.

Bigby... he was working so hard on the case. He was a good sheriff. Ivy didn't understand why Fabletown didn't see that. Maybe she sympathized with him because she was also, in a way, a villain. After all, she did tried to kill everyone in her kingdom. But that was all behind them.

Well, some people can't leave the past behind. Like Maya.

It didn't matter now. All Ivy wanted was to get some sleep, and so did Bigby. He didn't even have a bed to sleep in.

He lived in misery, facing the facts.

Shortly after getting out of the bath, Ivy heard a slight knock on the door. Bigby walked in, practically crawling.

- Come here - she said, going to her room. Bigby was already feeling embarrassed again. He was never in her room... - Sit.

He sat on the bed while she looked for a first aid kit.

- Why don't you use your powers? - He crossed his arms.

- Glamour gets in the way. - she explained, approaching him. - Besides, Dr. Swineheart says that I need to practice.

She stood between his legs and started cleaning the cut and Bigby was starting to bother with her smell. He needed a cigarette.

The thing about Ivy's smell was not because it was bad or strong, but because it kept him from ignoring his feelings for her. He dreamed of that smell every night. And she was so close...

- Okay. - She smiled as soon as she put on a band-aind. Bigby was going to get up when she sat next to her. Closer still.

At this point, he'd kill for a cigarette.

- Bigby... Could you... sleep here? Tonight. - she asked in such an embarrassing way that Bigby had to let out a laugh. But... Why the hell would she ask that?

The truth is, she wanted him to sleep in a real bed for a change.

- ... sure. - he replied, scratching his neck. - I go to the living room then. - he stood up, and Ivy held his hand.

- Bigby, you must have a broken rib or something. You're not going to sleep on the couch - she said, not giving him an option. Well, he wasn't gonna argue about it.

- Fine. - he said as she got up and he laid down, feeling his entire body relaxing like it didn't in a long time. She was right, he needs a bed.

She laid next to him, getting accommodated. Her scent was so strong at this point Bigby just gave up trying to ignore it. He placed one arm behind his head and closed his eyes, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

She approached him, placing her head on the curve of his shoulder. She looked up at him, seeing that he was already asleep.

Ivy slipped her hand under his arm until her hand touched his. His hand was so much bigger than hers...

She was peaceful for a moment, there, with Bigby. It was comfortable, as if she felt like... home.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Bigby felt he was in heaven, sleeping on a cloud, with an angel by his side. He woke up with Ivy practically on top of him, her hand in his heart.

He didn't want to get up.

But they still had to continue the case, and there was a prisoner waiting for him in the basement. He carefully pushed Ivy and stood up, impressed by her heavy sleep. Maybe his sleep was too light. But as soon as Bigby lifted Ivy up, she missed him in bed.

- What time is it? - she asked before he left the room.

- Early. - He walked to the door. - I will put an end to this whole story.

Ivy curled up in bed a little while Bigby went down to the basement. It was time to get some answers.

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