Chapter 5

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Aubrey and Chloe had some disagreements on who they wanted as Bellas. After a long and heated discussion, they finally decided who the new Bellas would be. As Aubrey and Chloe were determining who would round up the recruits on initiation night, Aubrey ticked off a list of names: "I'll grab Jessica, Mary Elise, Cynthia-Rose, Stacie, and Fat Amy," she decided.

"Right. And I'll grab Lily, Kori, Denise, Ashley, and Beca," Chloe agreed.

"Let's meet back in the rehearsal room in one hour," Aubrey instructed.

"Right!" Chloe said as they got out the burlap sacks and began rounding up the recruits.

That evening, the two captains went dorm to dorm, grabbing each one of the new Bellas by placing a burlap sack over their heads. Just when they thought they finished, Chloe realized she was missing someone - Beca.

Meanwhile, Beca was in her dorm room working on a new mix when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," she said as Chloe entered.

"Oh, hi. What's going on?" Beca asked before Chloe put the burlap sack on her head. "Okay, would you care to tell me what this is all about?"

"Less talking, more walking. You'll know everything soon enough," Chloe said as she led Beca out of the dorm room and into the nearly dark rehearsal room, lit dimly by glowing candles.

Aubrey introduced the new Bellas while she and Chloe removed the burlap sacks. "The sopranos - Jessica, Mary Elise, Lily. The mezzos - Cynthia-Rose, Stacie, Kori. And our altos - Fat Amy, Denise, Ashley, and Beca,"

"We shall begin by drinking the blood of the sisters who came before you," Aubrey continued.

"Dude, no," Beca said nervously.

"Don't worry; it's Boone's Farm," Chloe whispered to her while winking.

"Now, if you'll place your scarves in your right hand," Chloe directed as they all did so.

"I...sing your name," Aubrey started.

"I...(all singing their names)," they repeated.

"Promise to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a Bella woman," Aubrey continued, which they repeated.

"And I solemnly promise to never have sexual relations with a Treblemaker, or may my vocal cords be ripped out by wolves," Aubrey finished as they all recited their response in unison.

"You are all Bellas now," Aubrey said as the lights turned on and the Bellas all celebrated.

"We did it," Chloe smiled.

"Did we?" Aubrey asked.

"Alright, Bellas. In just a moment, we will be joining the other groups for the aca-initiation night..." Chloe announced.

"But first, please allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Aubrey Posen..."

"And I'm Chloe Beale."

"And we are this year's captains of the Bellas," Aubrey said.

"So if you have any questions for us at any time, you know who to ask," Chloe said.

Later that evening, at an amphitheater,

"Ladies, welcome to aca-initiation night. Prepare to soften the beach," Aubrey said before everyone scattered.

"I don't know what I'm doing here," Beca said nervously.

"Living the dream," Amy answered.

"Beca! Be-caw!" Jesse said, approaching her. "Do my eyes deceive me, or are you a Barden Bella?"

"No..." Beca tried to deny.

"You're one of the acapella girls, I'm one of the acapella guys, and we'll both have aca-children. It's inevitable," Jesse joked.

"You're really drunk right now; I don't think you'll remember any of this," Beca scoffed.

"I'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry," Jesse defended.

"Well, I don't know about that, but whatever you say," Beca tried to brush him off.

"How about I go get you a drink," Jesse offered.

"By all means," Beca said as Jesse left to do so, "Please be careful," she added as Chloe walked up to her and grabbed her hands.

"Hi. I'm so glad I met you. I think we're going to be fast friends," Chloe said.

"Yeah. Well, you saw me naked, so..." Beca teased, winking at her.

"Hey, Chloe!" A male voice yelled, calling her over.

"Who is that?" Beca asked.

"Oh, that's the same guy I was taking a shower with the day I invaded yours," Chloe recalled with a slight chuckle.

"No way. Seriously?" Beca asked, shocked.

"Yeah. I believe his name is Tom. He's one of my occasional hook-ups," Chloe firmly stated.

"I never would've guessed," Beca quipped sarcastically.

"All right. I'm going to get a drink. This ginger needs her jiggle juice," Chloe said, shaking her hips before turning to leave. "See you later."

"Make good choices," Beca called after her.

Just then, Jesse approached Beca, drinks in hand, one for Beca, the other for himself.

"Thank you," Beca reached for her drink.

"This is awesome," Jesse commented.

"Yeah, it's something," Beca said.

Just then, everyone else in attendance began dancing and singing along to Andy Grammar's "Keep Your Head Up." While that was going on, Aubrey noticed something within the crowd triggering a red flag.

"Oh, my god; this can't be happening," she thought before she went to find Chloe.

Once she found Chloe, she tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"What's up?" Chloe asked curiously.

"We have a situation. Come with me," Aubrey said as Chloe followed closely behind her. They spotted Kori dancing with a Treblemaker in the crowd and went to intervene.

"Kori, come with us," Chloe ordered.

"Kori, you have violated the Bella oath by fraternizing with a Treblemaker. I'm sorry, but you have been disinvited from the Bellas. Turn in your scarf and go," Aubrey held out her hand as Kori reached into her backpack to remove her scarf. Just as Kori turned it in and left, Chloe noticed something else in the crowd.

"Aubrey, I think we may have another one," Chloe said as she noticed Mary Elise with a Treblemaker as well.

"You gotta be kidding me! We'll deal with her at rehearsal tomorrow," Aubrey groaned as they rejoined the dance party.

Later that evening, as Kori walked back to her dorm room, she had a look on her face that vaguely hinted she wasn't taking the dismissal very well.

"Who is she to tell me who I can and can't date? I should be allowed to date whoever I want. Well, rest assured, Aubrey Posen - you will regret this!" Kori muttered angrily to herself.

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