Chapter 7

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About a week later on the quad, Jesse joined Beca, handing her a juice pouch before placing a towel on the grass and then sat on it.

"What's up, weirdo? As much as I enjoy stacking CDs with you, I figured we could do something else for an afternoon. So, I brought along some movies. Check it out - I brought Jaws, E.T., The Breakfast Club, Star Wars, and Rocky. Best scored films of all time. That's what I want to do after I graduate: score movies," Jesse said.

"Wow, that must sweep your girlfriend off your feet," Beca said.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Jesse pointed out.

"What?" Beca asked, surprised. "But you have juice pouches and Rocky," she joked.

"So, which one do you want to watch first?" Jesse asked.

"Can we do something else? We could relive my parents' divorce or visit a gynecologist," Beca suggested.

"What? Do you not like movies or something?" Jesse asked.

"They're fine. I just get bored and never make it to the end," Beca said.

"Endings are the best part," Jesse said.

"They're predictable. Like, the guy gets the girl, and Darth Vader is Luke's father," Beca pointed out.

"Oh, right, so you just happen to guess the biggest cinematic reveal in history?" Jesse asked.

"Vader in Dutch means father. His name is literally Darth Father," Beca pointed out.

"Alright, that settles it; you need a movie education. A - a movie-cation, and I'm going to give it to you," Jesse said.

"Yeah, in between Bellas rehearsals, which are pretty much always," Beca reminded him before her phone beeped. "Excuse me a second," she said before she pulled out her phone to read a text from Chloe.

The text read, 'We still on for lunch today?'

Beca replied, 'Yep. I'm out on the quad.'

"Everything okay?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah. Chloe and I are having lunch together today," Beca said as Chloe walked over.

"Hey, Beca," Chloe said.

"Wow, that was fast," Beca said.

"You ready to go?" Chloe asked.

"Yep. I figured we could go off-campus to eat today," Beca suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Chloe said as the two left for the parking lot, Beca waving back at Jesse as they went.

"I sure hope you have a car because I took a cab to get here on the first day," Beca said.

"Not to worry, just tell me where we're going," Chloe said.

"I hope you're up for Taco Bell," Beca said.

"Works for me!" Chloe said as they got in Chloe's car and headed out.

About 10 minutes later, Beca and Chloe sat down at a nearby Taco Bell.

"So, I was very sorry to hear about your nodes," Beca said.

"Thanks. Hearing that news devastated me," Chloe admitted.

"I'll bet. I can tell that singing is definitely your passion," Beca said.

"It is. I just hate the idea of never being able to sing again," Chloe said, worried.

"Hey, don't think like that. Just think positively," Beca said.

"I'll try. It won't be easy," Chloe said.

"Anyway, I was wondering something..." Beca said.

"What's up?" Chloe asked.

"You've known Aubrey for years. Is she always as tight-fisted as she acts?" Beca wondered.

"It wasn't always like that. We've known each other since high school, and there was a time when she and I did everything together," Chloe said.

"Really?" Beca asked in complete amazement.

"Yeah. We were like two inseparable best friends. But there was one day the summer before our freshman year that changed her life forever," Chloe explained.

"What was it?" Beca asked.

"Her dad enlisted in the Army. He raised her to be a winner, and after last year's ICCAs, she vowed to do whatever it took to redeem herself," Chloe continued.

"Well, I admire her for wanting to win, but I just don't see how that set of hers will get us there," Beca admitted.

"She's so adamant about sticking to tradition. Nobody's ever been able to change her mind," Chloe said.

"Not even her parents?" Beca asked.

"She's lived alone ever since her dad enlisted. Her mom died when she was 11, and she has no siblings," Chloe explained.

"Aww, that's so sad," Beca said, feeling somewhat sympathetic.

"I know. But we're lucky to have each other. I would go to visit her place during the summer, and she'd probably visit one of her relatives on holiday," Chloe said.

"I see. Part of me feels like she has it out for me," Beca admitted.

"Yeah, I don't know what's up with that. When we both first saw you at the Activities Fair, she thought you were too 'alternative' for the Bellas, but I had to remind her that sometimes it's not about what's on the outside. It's what's on the inside that matters," Chloe conceded.

"You are so right. As if that weren't enough, she thinks I have a 'toner' for Jesse," Beca confessed.

"Well, do you?" Chloe asked.

"No. Jesse and I are just friends. If he made a move on me, I'd remind him of that oath we all had to take," Beca assured her.

"Good. Just make sure you don't give Aubrey any more suspicions. That's the last thing she needs right now," Chloe warned her.

"You two have NOTHING to worry about. I promise," Beca said.

After their conversation, the two finished their lunch before heading back to campus.


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