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For the past month me and Nate have been talking alot durning school then at home me and Alyssa would be together. Surprizingly, life been going good for me except the time to time being chased by the football team. After school I was walking down the stairs from school with Nate to go to his house for a project. Until I saw Alyssa and Felix talking next to the bottom of the stair case. "Hey wanna spy?" Nate says nudgeing my shoulder. I look at him and laugh before repling no, but Nate didn't care and grabbed by arm and pushed me over the stair case and into the bushes. "What the hell!" I yelled when I landed. Nate laughed and jumped in the bushes as well and then crouched down. "Be quiet and listen Finn"  Nate says pointing to Felix and Alyssa.

"How long until then?"

"I don't know yet"

"How do you not know! you've been doing this for cenutries!"

"Alyssa,John,Jake,Kaite all of those cenutries It took a while before i could figure it out."

"Felix,Grace,Jacob,Erin all of those centures and you never improve?"

"Four day's until expecting news nine months proccess over, a year and 200 day's until entire process end."    

"And him?'

"There's this new guy, his name's Nate." 


"He has a friend therefore he's unstable."

Alyssa nods before somewhat angerly walks away from Felix. Nate looks at me confused and then shugs. "Even if they were talking about us I'm confused about what they we saying." I nod as well and still looking at Alyssa walking away probably going to the fabric shop to start her shift early. I walk up to Felix who now is sitting on the ground covering her face. I walk up to her and pat her head then she looks up towards me. "Finn? Don't you have work? I shake my head and notice her eyes are a shade of red and wet.  Nate hands Felix a cloth which she quickly pushes away saying I'm fine. I grab the cloth from Nate and wipe her face with the cloth. "Why were you crying Felix?" I ask finishing up cleaning her face. Felix plays with her hand before anwsering "You know girl's sometimes they need to colapse and cry." Felix then wipes her eyes and smiles, "but I just yawned I've haven't been able to sleep lately, test are coming up soon." I look at her then help her up. "If you say so." Nate taps my shoulder and I nod. "I gotta go Felix see you tomarrow ok?" Felix nods and walks away. Nate starts walking away to his bike. "Hey you might want to talk your girlfriend. She seemed pretty steamed" he says pointing down the hill to Alyssa about to turn the corner to the Fabric Store. "I should shouldn't I?" I say scratching the back of my head. Nate pats me on the back. "I know a thing or two about girlfriends, good luck." I nod and I start to head down the hill until I hear a yell." Hey Finn!"  I stop and turn around to the crowd of Football players and some other kids from a different school with Felix in front of them trying to calm them down. I look at them with a cocked eyebrow before I see Nate getting off of his bike. "You made Felix cry?" The quarterback asks. I knew now I was running or fighting. A quarterback quickly tries to punch me but I duck and trip the guy before I hear Nate saying follow me.  Me and Nate start running through the woods and I notice the team is still following me I take a brisk turn and I remember this is the same way Felix took me to her house. 

We run faster dashing down the hill and and the team are still following us. I notice later that I'm standing exacly where Felix's house was I look around and then decide to run right back up though the woods.  "Finn!" Nate yells pointing at a lake and a rope handing from it. "Are you kidding? The water's still not warm enough."  Nate grabs the rope and starts to climb up the tree it's hanging from it. I quickly follow and we pull up the rope. When the team comes by we back up to the trunk and we fell back.

I wake up with Alyssa laying by my side in my room, I slowy get up and look at Alyssa who is fast asleep  "Finn you alright?" I hear though the door, it's my mom. "You've been alseep since your dad took you home. "I open the door and look at my mom, she looks tired and has gotten worse. "I'm alright but what happend?"  "I carried you to the house" says the man on the couch. "You and your friend we knocked out in front of the school. Your mother was worried about you being home late so I came in the truck to pick you up. I look at him angerly then I calm down. "Thanks" My dad raises an eyebrow surprised that I replied to him nicely,  there's food in the kitchen take it to your room if you like. I grab the back and walk back to my room and close the door.

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