The Dance

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For weeks me and Felix has been working on opening the auditorium, though I haven't been up to it after Alyssa came over my house. The auditorium was told to be opened on the 13th of December a day before the dance. Me and Felix has been preparing signs and flyers so Felix's Dance will be a success. "Finn!" Felix yells as she yells towards me. I turn to her to be crashed into her and down the hall are is all most the whole football following her. "What happened!" I yell looking at Felix hoping that she didn't get hurt. "I told them to, come to the dance during the....I didn't know!" Felix face is turing pure red and she's breathing heavy I could tell there is something I don't know. I quickly grab Felix's hand and run down the hall ditching the wet paint of a poster I was working on. Me and Felix turn the corner and go outside to a shed the housed the gym supplies. "Felix tell me what happened." Felix is panting from me dragging her to the shed and then looks around then back to me.

"Um...Well I ask them if they would come to the dance during the festival and they asked me who was helping me ; they seemed upset I didn't ask them to help me. I told them I was fine because I had you to help and then said..." I notice Felix looking around to waste time so I look at her and touch her shoulder. "Just tell me Felix." Felix straightens her back and looks at me and impersonates one of the football players. "Oh well he must of been no help considing he is so weak! He is always trying to bother you well I will teach him a lesson!" "Geez they love you that much." I mutter under my breath. 

"What was that?"


Felix looks at me and nudges my shoulder slighty. "You said something! I told you what you wanted to know so tell me what you said!" Felix playfuly fights me for a minute till she knocks me down on the gymnatic mat pile. "Why you little," I say as I grab her and pin her on top of me. "There you lost." Felix squirms to break free and fails. "Your evil, now tell me!"  "You still on that?" I ask her. "I don't forget easily,Finn" Felix says then grabing my hands and pulls me off her and the door then opens. 

"Well We found them." One person says "Oh look what he's doing to our poor Felix." Felix's face turns white with horror as she looks at herself being pinned down by me, Felix looks up at me with a apologetic face as she whispers to me. "Run or they will kill you" I still a little hazy from what to do decides to ignore Felix and take a different route. "Aww are you upset that Felix has no feelings for you? That she wouldn't ask you for help, maybe because all you will do is daydream about her with you or worse." Felix looks at me and then down, knowing what I did. "Why would we be jealous of you! A weak pathetic fatherless person like you!" A players says grabbing my arm then slamming me to the ground. "Stop." Felix says still not facing me.  Another player kicks me then another till there is about four kicking me. "Stop!" Felix says louder. Still the quarterback  gives me a strong punch where I cough out blood. "I SAID STOP!" Felix yells Suddenly I wake up in a auditorium chair. "Why is it open so early?"  Felix lets out a little laugh then answers me. "It's not actually it is the day of the dance. You were asleep for two days. I rub the back of my neck. "Why am I so sore" I notice that Felix flitches when I say that then gets up, I notice that Felix is wearing the clothes I saw in her cabin, la fleur flottant. I think for a second how was I in a comma? I ignore it and then say to Felix good luck. After Felix walks behind stage punch comes from my right. "Good Afternoon sleeping beauty!" I turn to my right then mutter. "Skipped Chemistry again Alyssa." Alyssa smiles then nods. "Either this or sitting next to a person who is crushing on me, plus you had me worried sleeping for two days and such." I laugh a second then say. "You worried ha!" Alyssa punches my shoulder again as soon as the lights dimed.

Felix's orange hair is in a bun and she slowly walks to the microphone in the middle of the stage. "My name is Felix Clark I will be performing a winter dance please enjoy." Felix lets out a smile and backs up and waits for the music to start. Felix starts to dance in flips and turns and everything in between she barely misses a single move. I look at Alyssa who looks unimpressed and then I look back to Felix amazed she look like a burring flower since she was were fiery clothes like her hair. Twenty minutes later I go to the back of the auditorium where Felix is and she smiles. "Did you see it!" I nod as I pat her head. "Of course your amazing." Felix giggles and take my hand off of her head. "Thanks!" We talk for a second before I see Alyssa. "Yo! Come on where going somewhere!" she calls. I look at Alyssa then ask where.  Alyssa completely ignores me and walks up to Felix. "Remaining and Product." I hear Alyssa ask. Felix's smile soon turns to a frown and then whispers back to Alyssa. "2345 hours,12 minutes,34 seconds,1 year. Product, stable." Alyssa nods and turns back to me. "Okay lets go bro!" she calls as she roughly puts her arm around me and we walk out the auditorium to Alyssa's house.


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