A fall day

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It's nearing the end of November and its been a month since I met Felix and the Winter festival is being planned, I usally hate this time of the year because I am left with all the work then in the end I am yelled at about how bad it is. This year might be the first that I might enjoy the festival.

In the morning as I rode my bike to school I noticed that it was colder, as I got to school Felix was siting n the porch in a pink coat and a polar bear hat. "Finn your out this early?" Felix says as she adjusts her hat. In the morning a few kids ever come at 7:00 since class starts at 8:30. Felix looks at her phone to see what time it is then looks at me. "I wanna show you something. For the festival" before I have a second to decline, Felix grabs my hand and begans to run towards the woods that are around the school campus. Felix's fire orange hair begans to glow in my eyes as she runs. "She stops at a little house that is half the size of a small apartment. "My home" Felix says as she begans to walk in. I follow her and see a convertible wall that turns from a kitchen to a little sewing station. Her bed is a small futon that is wedged in the corner of the small room. "Felix turns the wall and opens a cabniet under the sewing machine, there she pulls out a black box that has a cherry blossom floating on water, under the words "la fleur flottant" Felix pushes the box at me and says open it. I do as she says to see a coat that looks like it is hand made with a matching scarf. "I wanted to thank you for helping with the boxes." Felix says as she closes the cabniet. " la fleur flottant?" I ask about the box and the words written in I believe french. "The floating blossom" Felix begans, "In a clam lake where you see a blossom floating on the lake and how it comes from many places, finding new frageces and love of the people it had met. I picked the name for the clothing line." I look at Felix and how she felt about the floating blossom I think about it a little longer before I speak. "What does this have to do with the festival? You want a fashion show?" Felix shakes her head and then says "A dance, like on the stage." Felix grabs a bag then flings it on her shoulder. "Doors are going to open soon we can see the stage." she grabs my hand and runs again, by the time we get to the school most of the students are walking into the front doors. "Felix!" A football player calls as he motions her to come over there. I look at her and her surpise,"I didn't know I was this popular." she begans, "will I see you around?" I nod then began to walk into the school.

Felix who happened to be in all my classes drew all the attenion from me and being bullied.

"Felix how do you know french?" said a cheerleader. "Um....I visted the place and then studied it at my school." Felix replied. "Felix do you have a boyfriend?" said a football player, then a blonde cheerleader glared at the guy and said in a fast pase. "Of couse she does, and you have a girlfriend too! Besides if she doesn't." the girl looks around the room looking for a reason her boyfriend can't date Felix. "THERE! She could date him!" The cheerleader's finger was pointing directly at me.

"Huh?" The whole class says.

"No way this loser, she would be better off dating a brick!"

"He's to ugly to be with poor Felix!"

Felix looks at me then looks away, for some reason I'm sure she was blushing. After class she approshed me when her fans weren't around. "Um...." she begans I cut her off. "Lets go to the Auditorim" Felix looks at me confused and then smiles. "okay." We walk down there and the doors are locked. Felix who is not surpised looks through the window and smiles. "It's so beautiful." I look at Felix surpirsed. "It's been locked for four years how are you going to get it open?" Felix's smile turns into a frown quickly. "I really thought it was just closed for this week." I sigh when I hear that from her. Felix looks at me and before she could talk the group that has been following her shove me out the way and then talks to Felix. "What are you doing at the Auditorim?" The cheerleader from before asks. Felix looks at me and I can see she wants to help me since I am on the ground; so I give her a thumbs up and get up so I can go away, instead I get a yell coming from a football player.

"Where do you think your going!?" I try to keep walking but the guy grabs my collar and drags me in front of Felix. A brown haired cheerleer puts her arm around Felix and then begans to talk. "This perv bothing you? Of course he is! Take him away guys before he kiddnapps Felix or something on those lines. It make me sick just looking at him. I get dragged by two burly arms and staight out the door to the dumpster. This has happened before they make up a exuse and I would be in the dumpster, this is the first time I hear someone calling for me. "Finn! Finn! Guys let go of me you have to stop!" I heard those calls coming from two people, I now covered in garbge start to make out what is going on. Alyssa and Felix are there. Alyssa's school ends at 2:55 so she has enough time to come to my school yet we usally me up at the corner that is 4 blocks away from both our schools, I guess she decided to go all the way to my school, guessing that it's 3:10 or later. I'm hearing sounds kicks and punches probally coming from Alyssa and calls for peace from Felix. When I get out of the dumpster the guys are all gone.

"Alyssa, don't do that again." Felix says with all the color wiped from her face. Alyssa glares at me and then runs up with her pocket knife she always has with her and has it a inch away from my face. "Next time you want to be late to the fabric shop this knife will be closer!".I push her hand away and look at her. "Nice to see you too, but next time you shouldn't come over here you going to just cause more trouble with them." Alyssa just laughs then looks at Felix. Felix looks back Alyssa then looks away. "Um...I'm gonna go and try to find a time for the dance bye Finn." Felix looks at me giving a warming smile before she leaves.

On the way home from the fabric store I think back on what Alyssa was talking to me about.

"Do you remember the story about the two gaurdians we were told when we were little?" I look at Alyssa and then anwser. "Yeah." Alyssa moves her hair to the side then looks at me. "Tell me the story." Such a long time ago did my mother tell us the story yet she remebers, I think for a second then began.

"A long time ago the was a girl she was very lonely, she lived by herself on the mountain top far from the village. Though she was not perfect since she was angry, scared, even frustrated still she was nice to everyone. This is how the first gaurdian apeared, they soon fell in love. The girl and the Gaurdian stayed together for years and even grew to have a family, the girl became happy; the happiness that she once lost. One day another Gaurdian apeared he was looking for his counterpart which happened to be the girls husband. The town had a fire that day, since the Husband was a noble man he ran to save all the elderly and youth even if it risked his own life. The girl torn after the death of her beloved, the gaurdian that had been looking for his counterpart fell in love with the girl though he knew he could never replace her husband. The gaurdian protected the girl and the family and then the girl married once more, she now learned that a though she had seen tradgdy she survived and met her happiness, twice."

Alyssa smiles and then looks at the clock on the wall. "I need to go, bye!" she says as she runs to leave.

I walk to my home and then open the door, there I meet my father drunk. "Finn, your home." he says in a tired voice. I step back and then let out a growl. "Why are you here!?" I yell before I leave the house and run outside. As I walk around the streets and stop at a streetlight. There was a person there.

"Finn, are you ready?"

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