Turn for the worse

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Alyssa's laying on my bare chest, it's night and it's been a blur from what happened before, recently when things happen to me i wake up somewhere. Remebering what happened I walk back in my room with a box from a resturant and Alyssa was awake. "Glad your awake babe," Alyssa says kissing me on the cheek. I open the box and Alyssa quickly swipes a french fry and pops it in her mouth. I look at her and laugh "You were asleep too." Alyssa nudges my shoulder harshly and looks at me. "You were out cold I got tired!" I pat her shoulder saying calm down before I lean in to kiss her. We eat the food and then sit and talk to each other before Alyssa lays her head on my lap. "Tired again?" I ask Alyssa. "Did you ever have a crush on me before we dated" I look at Alyssa and kiss her head "Yes but did you?" Alyssa smiles and kisses me and pushes me down so i'm laying on the bed. "I made the first move remeber?" As time when on I ended up with her next to me. Around 7 am I wake up and Alyssa's gone, I look at a note in the spot where she was and it says. "School remeber?" I get up and I get ready for school.

"We got a A+ WOOO!"  Nate shouts leaning back in his chair. "Man, I'm soo pumped now." I look at him and shake my head. "You would've gotten excited even if it was a C-"  "Yeah you might be right." Nate says putting his head on the table. "Sarah said she would do something special if I got an A on a project for once" Nate then covers his face before popping his head back up. "ARGH I wonder what it is!"  I watch Nate shift in his seat for a while before Felix walks up to me.  "Congrats on the A Finn." Felix says smiling. "Hey, Felix!" Nate says looking at the table. Felix looks at Nate for what it seems slightly annoyed but she's hiding it well. "Yes?" "When a girl says I'll do something special for you if you get an A do you have any idea what she means?" Felix pauses looks at me and then smiles. "Well, she might bring you a homemade lunch instead of the school lunches, she might bake you a cake or host a party for you."  Nate smiles in content from the anwser he had gotten. "Also Finn if you don't have work today We can go to my house I want to show you somethings I sewed a while ago." Felix asks. "I don't have to work so I'll meet you there after school.  "Alright." Felix says before going to back to the group of cheerleaders and football players.

After school, me and Nate are walking down the stairs outside and Nate smiles and waves at a girl with brown and blue tipped hair. "Sarah!" Nate says walking down the stairs to hug her. "Hi Nate I decided to walk up here so we can walk home together. " "You should've waited for me someone could've kidnnapped you." Nate says worried. "I know Nate but at girl was walking with me." Nate and I look at the girl and its Alyssa. "Thats my buddy here's girlfriend Sarah!" Sarah giggles as Nate tries to put me in a headlock and I move away.  "Finn!" Felix says meeting up with me, "ready to go?" she asks.  "One second Alyssa's up here so there must be something she wants to tell me." Felix nods and I walk past Sarah and Nate to Alyssa who is sitting on the railling twisting the pocket knife. "Alyssa you alright?" I ask. Alyssa looks at me with a blank expression shakes her head. "Can we talk where there isn't a chance the football team will chase you." she says with her voice cracking.

We walk to one of the sports sheds and Alyssa and I sit on the gym mats. "What happened Alyssa?" Alyssa looks at me and begins to cry. I hestiantly hug Alyssa letting her lean on my shoulder. "Calm down just tell me what happened? Alyssa?" Alyssa starts to wipe her tears and looks at me. "I'm pregnant." I look at shelf in front of me, pregnant? How will we even raise the child? What will our parents think. Will I be like my father. I get up. "Finn? Finn! Finn say something!! Please!" I look at Alyssa teary face and kiss her. "Did you tell your dad?" I ask her "No I wanted to tell you first."  "Okay, Okay do that now and I'll meet you there in about 30 minutes." What about you? " Alyssa asks. "I promised I'll do something for a friend can you make it yourself?" Alyssa nods and I hug her tightly. "It'll be okay I promise" Alyssa leaves then I leave to the front of the school to see know ones there except Felix. "You waited?" I asked. "Yeah I knew you were coming back." Felix says "Now lets go." Felix grabs my hand and starts running to her house again. When we get there Felix unlocks the door and we walk inside. "So did you find out what was wrong Finn?"  "Yeah."  "Great I was..........."  Felix stops and stares scared. "What!" I ask. Felix stands there staring at my face and then I touch it. Tears. I collapes on the ground. "Why does this always happened to me!" I scream. Felix quickly neals by me. "Attacked by the football team, father cheats on every girl he sees! and now!" Felix slowly hugs me. "It's ok Finn I need you breathe" I hug her back, "She's pregnant Felix, she's pregnant, I ruined her life, it's all my fault, It's always my fault." "It's not your fault Finn Calm down." Felix says.

 We sit there silent for about 10 minutes before I try to talk. "You never showed me the clothes you wanted to show me. "It dosent matter now you need to see Alyssa. "Your right." I get and Felix hand me a jacket. "You alright to go by yourself?" Felix asks worried. "Yeah I'll be alright." I reply before going out the door and to my own demise. Her father's house.

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