Pedro Pascal - Interview

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In this one-shot/imagine:

You and Pedro are in the last of us.

You're Ellie.

That's mostly it.



You were walking into an interview with Pedro Pascal.

You arrived and sat down in the two chairs provided.

The interviewer shook hands and started questions.

His first question was for Pedro, "What is Y/N like on set?"

Pedro looked at you.

You nodded, meaning 'go ahead'.

"Y/N is very very very quiet on set. She prefers not to be loud and not let everyone know she's in the room," he started, "But when she's alone or with me, she's just a big goofball" - he looked at you and ruffled your hair - "Like this-"

He got out his phone and went to a video he recorded of you at your house.

The video:

He showed it to the interviewer.

"Wow!" he said, "She's talented!"

"Hell yeah, she is!" Pedro laughed, giving you a high-five.

"Now, Y/N," the interviewer looked at you.

"Yeah?" you replied.

"What's Pedro like on stage?" he asked.

"He's hilarious. He has the need to make everyone - and I mean everyone - he sees laugh," you chuckled.

"Aww, thanks kiddo," Pedro looked at you.

"You're welcome, ya big softie," you laughed.

He hugged you tight.

"A frickin year of this shit," you said to the interviewer followed by Pedro's laugh.

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