Billy Hargrove - Pool

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You were in black, baggy, down-to-your-knees, sports shorts, and a plain, baggy, 2 sizes too big, black t-shirt.

You were looking for your older brother, Steve Harrington.

You drove out, to the Hawkins pool, 'cause Steve liked to hang out there a lot.

You found Steve in a heated argument with a hot-looking lifeguard.

You walked over and broke up the fight.

"You," you seethed, narrowing your eyes at Steve, "I'll deal with later."

"And you," you added, turning to Billy, " Stay away from my brother."

"Oh, c'mon, sweetheart-" he smirked.

"Look," you stated, "Me and you are a lot alike. We put on a show for everyone, pretend to be someone else. We've had at least one person be abusive to us. But that does not give you a reason to be a dick to my brother, as much as a he's a bitch."

With that, your glare softened, and you dragged Steve out of there.

You put Steve in the car.

Tommy followed you outside of the gate.

You didn't see him and he punched you in the back of your head.

You bent over, surprised by the amount of pressure, then spun around.

He punched you again, in the nose, this time.

You heard a loud crack when he punched you.

He broke your nose.

"Now you've pissed her off," Steve jeered, from the inside of the car.

You punched Tommy, making him fall to the ground.

He was unconscious.

Billy was standing behind Tommy.

He had come to your rescue.

"I'm fine, thanks," you rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"A broken nose doesn't look fine," he protested.

"Look," you started, "I've broken my nose 17 times, not counting all the beatings. I think I can fix it myself."

"Okay, but if he ever gives you trouble again-" Billy said.

"Hey, thanks, but, I can handle myself, if I haven't made it clear, yet," you said, getting in the driver's seat of your car.

You started to drive away.

"What a man," you muttered under your breath.

"What a woman," Billy sighed in adoration.

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