Chapter 11: Debrief and Rebrief

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The Wolf

A single slash, aimed at shoulder height. It was all Wolf needed to cleave through the creature's head, leaving it spasming on the floor.

This was exactly what he had needed. Not a mission to protect a politician, not the intrigue of every international power and their schemes, not the endless waiting. Just the killing, with his brother right by his side.

A quick motion from his sword cut open a jumping creature's flank, leaving it tumbling to the metal floor. They were ugly things, but then GenTech hadn't designed them for beauty. Overgrown lizards, reaching up to Wolf's shoulders, with claws and fangs coated in acid and three kinds of poison. They were fast, strong and tough. They had been created to give Warslaves a good workout, providing more sport than a human, while never putting them in any real danger.

Yes, the beasts could hurt them, but killing a Warslave took either a lot of luck and numbers in the thousands, or a bigger creature.

His off hand left the hilt of his sword, grabbing behind him, digging through scales and flesh and finding a creature's entrails. It shrieked in pain, a sound no naturally born creature would be able to produce, before Wolf pulled the entrails out of its body and wrapped them around the throat of another one. He didn't strangle the creature, instead lighting the flesh in his hands on fire. The scales dissipated the heat for half a second at first, before melting, closing off the creature's windpipe.

Wolf already moved on, intercepting a beast that had jumped at his brother, puncturing its shoulder with his claw and pulling it towards his readied sword, impaling it through the back of the skull, into the brain.

Viper in turn covered him, his spear flashing out in a quick stab to pierce a creature's eye before it could bite Wolf. It was the advantage of getting to fight together: they could purposefully leave themselves open to bait an opponent, which meant the other Warslave could strike. It took no planning anymore, they did it instinctively. After decades of practice and battle, they had become aware enough of the other twin to always know exactly where they were, and what they were doing.

Another quick strike, both hands on his sword again, stabbing it into a creature's neck, before stepping back, while moving the blade up, decapitating it in an instance. It joined several dozen other bodies on the floor, blood seeping from the stump on its neck.

They'd killed more than a hundred already, the reptiles too slow to keep up with them, and they probably wouldn't stop until they had at least doubled that number, so long as they weren't interrupted.

Sadly, they were.

Wolf pushed his irritation back as the creatures stopped coming. He wiped his sword on a piece of cloth, before turning to the entrance. Both he and his brother had submitted their report several hours earlier. They had both expected questions.

Still, the armed escort seemed a bit much. Or rather, whoever was important enough that a dozen armed men had to enter the room first, he had to know it wouldn't matter if either Warslave decided they wanted him dead.

But then Vincent Weiss always felt that a show of force was necessary to keep the Warslaves in line. Not because it showed him as more powerful, but just to remind them of who was actually important in the room.

If Wolf had to describe GenTech's CEO in a word... well, he'd start with colourful terms like bastard, asshole, motherfucker... and more like that. Were someone to ask further questions, he'd have to call the man pompous. Well, he'd probably use the words 'grandstanding piece of shit', but sometimes it was nice to use fancier words, even if only in his mind.

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