Chapter 3

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Randy's pov:

Bro onceler is so sexy and hot. And we're sleeping in the same bed. I would actually smash him if he was a woman. But then again what about sharron? How would she feel about this. And Stan and Shelly. I know that Stan is friends with some gay people but how would he feel about his own dad being a homosexual? Fuck that I'm not telling them I'm attracted to him.

It's been like 2 hours and I can't sleep. Idk if onceler is asleep but I really really REALLY wanna make out with him. So without thinking, I grab him and press my lips against his. Omg they're so soft. He's kissing me and we're literally making out right now.

Now he's making his way down my neck and I'm letting out hot ass moans. I know I'm a good moaner.

Then, he stops. I don't know why but that made me feel disappointed. He then started backing away.

"No, this is wrong..." he mumbles. "How would this make my mother feel? Her knowing I'm making out with a man? I'm so sorry but I can't do this."

Then he just walked out. Now I actually feel sorry for him. His parents must be abusive. Me personally, I wouldn't give two shits if Stan or Shelly were gay. I mean, aren't we all a little bit gay?

I followed him and he's sitting outside staring at the stars in the sky.

"Hey, I don't know what happened with you and your mum, but I just want you to know that you shouldn't listen to her. You're an adult not a child, it's up to you to make decisions for yourself. Your mum can't control you all your life."
(I think I accidentally made randy abit out of character but eh who cares)

The onceler turned to face me. I can see tears in his eyes. Then he got up and hugged me.

"Randy, you're like the best person in the world. I'm glad we met," he says.

I hug him back. "Same here man."

"Eww homos," said that dumbass bitch the Lorax.

"Fuck off we're having a moment here," says the onceler.

"This is my forest dickface."

"I don't care fuck off."

I laugh. Fine I admit this is gay. But who cares it's the onceler and he's sexy asf.

"Tomorrow night u wanna go on a date?" I ask him.

"Fuck yes let's gooooo," he says.

We both make our way back to bed. I snuggle him and he kisses me on the forehead.

"Goodnight randy," the onceler says before shutting his eyes.

"Goodnight," I say before shutting my eyes.

(This was supposed to be a joke but now I actually ship them wtf)

Randy marsh x the oncelerWhere stories live. Discover now