Chapter 4

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Written by chat gpt
Oncelers pov

As I waited nervously outside the restaurant, fidgeting with my tie and trying to smooth down my hair, I couldn't help but wonder what in the world possessed me to agree to go on a date with Randy Marsh of all people. Sure, he was charming and funny, and we'd hit it off when we first met yesterday  and made me feel better last night, but still...Randy Marsh?

But then again, maybe that was precisely why I had agreed to this. After all, the man was nothing if not unpredictable, and there was something thrilling about the idea of spending an evening with someone who could keep me on my toes.

As I saw him approaching from down the street, dressed in a sharp suit and looking positively dapper, I realized that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. We greeted each other with a firm handshake and a quick embrace, and then headed inside to our table.

The conversation flowed easily between us as we perused the menu, discussing everything from our work to our families to our hobbies. I found myself laughing more than I had in weeks, and feeling genuinely at ease in Randy's company.

As the meal wound down, I realized that I didn't want the night to end just yet. "Would you like to come back to my place for a drink?" I ventured, feeling a twinge of nervousness in my chest.

To my relief, Randy grinned broadly and nodded eagerly. "I'd love to."

We walked back to my tent, chatting amiably all the way. My heart was racing with anticipation. Would he kiss me goodnight? Would he want to stay over?

But before I could work up the nerve to make a move, Randy surprised me by pulling me into a tight embrace. "Thanks for tonight," he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. "I had an amazing time."

I couldn't help but smile widely, feeling a warmth spreading through my chest. "Me too," I replied, hugging him back tightly.

As we parted ways for the night, I knew that I would be seeing a lot more of Randy Marsh in the future. And honestly, I couldn't wait. There was just something about him that made my heart skip a beat, and I was excited to see where this unexpected relationship would take us.

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