Chapter nineteen.

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The hashira rushed to the scream, almost slipping on a random shirt on the floor.
"What is-" he gasped for air, "what's wrong?" He finally caught his breath, looking around.
"Oh, sorry! We were having a pillow fight." Senjuro grinned, then suddenly slammed a pillow into zenitsu's face.
"Alright, well I'll be heading to bed now!" The hashira smiled, walking off.
He walked into his own room, letting out a heavy sigh.
Akaza was no where to be seen in the room, and the hashira's heart skipped a beat.
Then a light breeze tugged at his attention.
The window was open, and the curtains were flying everywhere.
"Maybe he finally left." Kyojuro thought,
climbing into his bed and falling asleep.
Within minutes he drifted off into a deep slumber, leaving his window open.
Some part of him did hope akaza came back, but another part hopes he doesn't.

A calm silence filled the house, with every mortal in its contents fast asleep with spectacular dreams.
Senjuro was dreaming of becoming a demon slayer, and saving his brother from a demon.
Tanjiro was dreaming of Nezuko becoming a human again.
Inosuke was dreaming about food, and Zenitsu was dreaming of facing his fears and helping on missions.
Nothing could disturb this peaceful atmosphere.
And yet, something felt out of place. As if it was forgotten.

"Rengoku Kyojuro! CAW! Urgent hashira meeting! CAW!" This caused Kyojuro to awaken.
He yawned, rubbing his eyes. He didn't sleep much that night. Something kept him awake.
"Did you really have to be so loud last night?" He asked, turning to the upper moon.
"What?" Akaza chuckled awkwardly, a red dust spreading on his face.
"You basically woke up the living dead crawling back into that window, then you slammed the bathroom door!"
Kyojuro thought for a moment, then proceeded. "You spent ages in there!" He added, standing.
The upper moon looked away, hiding his face.
"Well, I have to go." Kyojuro demanded, walking out the room.
Akaza mocked him, crossing his arms.
"I'm a demon, an upper moon! I'm not gonna have sone pesky human tell me what to do." He huffed.
"Then again that 'human' is really hot..."

Kyojuro picked up his pace once he left the house, not wanting to be late.
He got there in about 40 minutes, which isn't too bad.
"Ayy, Rengoku!" Tengen yelled, waving at his best buddy.
"Ah, Uzui!" Kyojuro grinned, walking over.
"Why're we here?" The flame hashira asked, confused.
Uzui shrugged his shoulders, looking around.
Soon enough their master walked out, escorted by two little girls.
All the hashira quickly gathered, bowing on the ground.
"I've called you all here because there's a slight problem." Ubuyashiki started, clearing this throat.
"Upper moon 3 has been spotted near the villages the past couple night, I want Rengoku-san and Tengen to check it out."
Kyojuro froze in his spot, his eyes widening.
"Let's go." Uzui demanded, walking off.
Slowly the Flame Hashira followed, keeping a slow pace.
"C'mon, I know you can walk faster then that!" Uzui teased, trapping Kyojuro in a head-lock.
Kyojuro chuckled, looking around.
"If you're worried about someone getting hurt, we're only going to check it out." Uzui reassured, letting his friend go.
"That's like one of the only helpful things you've said." The Flame Hashira joked, then bolted off.
"HEY!" The Sound Hashira chased after the other, laughing to himself.
The two reached the village upper moon 3 was last spotted at in about an hour.
Quickly they walked around, investigating.
Kyojuro walked behind a house, then sighed.
"This is useless, we should go." He suggested, putting his hands on his hips.
Silence followed, causing Kyojuro to look around.
Uzui was no where to be seen, only thing there was forest and houses.
"Uzui?" He called out, walking around.
Suddenly a stick snapped, causing the Flame Hashira to unsheath his katana.
"Chill! It's me." A voice whispered in the shadows of the houses.
"No, lmao."
"Ak- wait what?" Kyojuro widened his eyes, looking around.
"Why're you here?" He asked, slowly walking towards Akaza.
"Can't i get some fresh air?" The demon chuckled, then suddenly hugged Kyojuro.
The hashira was confused, but returned the hug.
"Kyo?" A voice called out, causing the Flame Hashira to turn.

There, standing frozen in place, was Uzui.


"Save it."

Word count: 726
(A/n: sorry it took so long!! I've been rlly busy, and i'm working on two other stories.)

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