Chapter three: Coming Up With A Plan And Peer Pressure

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We all sit in the car and don't say anything when we get to my house and we go inside. I wave to my mom and she waves back and we go into my bedroom. I close it and lock it making sure that my little sister Cheyenne doesn't come into the room. We all sit on my bed. "What do you mean by coming up with a plan Bry? I don't want to be like them! I just want them to stop bullying me and others. Bullying back doesn't help it just makes it worse," I say to him.

For the moment it looked like he didn't have anything to say till finally after a few minutes he speaks up. "I get that but I'm not talking about bullying them back I have a different plan," he says. I looked at him curiously. "Ok you have my interest Bry so what plan do you have?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything at first it looked like he was trying to get his thoughts pulled together. So we sit and wait for him to tell us his plan. Then finally he starts to speak up. "Well the bullies want us to be a afraid of them do they not?" He asked us. We all nod our heads. "Well what if we do reverse psychology?" He asked us with hope sounding in his voice. "I don't know it sounds like it might not work though," Kayley says.

Bryan looks down and feels defeated. "Ok fine do you have any plans then to deal with them all smart one?" Bryan asks Kayley. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Yes in fact I do. It's a better plan than yours that's for sure," Kayley says to Bryan with a huge grin on her face.

"Ok you better start talking or I swear I'm going to bite someone," I say jokingly. Kayley laughs and smacks me upside the head lightly and I stick my tongue out at her. "Ok how about if we get everyone else who has been bullied by them to come and join us on sticking up against the bullies. I'm sure if we do they will realize that they can't win and would eventually leave us alone," Kayley says. I think it over for a moment and I grin.

 "It's not a bad plan we don't have to bully them we could just show that even though they think they are bigger than us. That they think it means we would run. But together we can show them just how small they are by our numbers. Not bad there Kay," I say to her. Everyone grins and smiles. Like I said I love my friends their the best! If you stick up in numbers you really can show them that their not as big as they thought they were.

You don't have to be a bully back to defeat a bully. I know you could be better than that. We each can do amazing things if we just have faith. I know not everything can work out so well at times. But if you try that is showing them that they underestimated you more than they realize! So we gather around and we start making a list of names of people we know who have been bullied by them and start to come up with a plan to talk to them about the plan. We all hope it will work out. Finally after a few hours of going over the plan my friends start to leave.

Till I'm home alone I look over all the names and I think. Wow there are a lot more than I realized. This might actually work. I think before I go and eat and then go to bed to wake up in the morning and put the plan into action. I think to myself as I fall asleep. That night as I'm sleeping my little sister sneaks in and scares the crap out of me by jumping on me. I wake up with a start and I scowl at her.

"What do you want munchkin?" I asked her. She scowls she hates it when I call her that. But I think it's cute though. "I wanted to sleep with you is all plus that was payback for locking me out of your room while you had friends over," she says to me. Sticking her tongue out at me. I laugh and I pull her in the bed with me and I make room for her. At first she tries to kick me off the bed the brat. So I tickle her till she tells me to stop.

We both giggle and then we end up falling asleep. Till I hear my alarm waking me up to go to school. I groan and slam my hand on my alarm clock. Till I realized that my phone was the alarm clock so I pick it up and shut it off. I turn over and that's when my mom comes into my room and sings the stupid song I hate.

Oh how I hate to
Get up in the morning
Oh how I love to remain
In bed
But the biggest blow of all
Is to hear my mother call
You got to get up you got
To get up in the morning

I groan more and throw my pillow at her. "Mom stop singing that stupid song I'm not a kid anymore," I say. She laughs and I get up and get ready for school and then I hear Amber honking her horn at me so I rush outside and get into her car. "Oh my god I'm so excited about today. I really hope this works out. I have my doubts because this isn't a movie. But I still can't help but have faith you know?" Amber asks me.

I laugh and nod my head. "I know but I have a feeling that it will work out that's for sure. They aren't that scary when their on their own. You ever notice that they always pick on us when they are surrounded by friends?" I ask her. Her eyes widen in understanding. "You don't think they could be doing it because of peer pressure do you?" She asks me. I nod my head. "It could be a possibility because being peer pressured does suck. It can make you have the worse judgement of all," I say.

You know it's true being peer pressured to do something can be overwhelming. I know that feeling more than you realize. But if they were really your friends they wouldn't make you pick on other people.

It doesn't make you cool it makes you look stupid. (No offense guys) but it does make you look stupid. It doesn't make you look better it makes you look worse. The best way to deal with peer pressure is by saying no and walking away. Sure it's not that easy and I get that but sometimes that's all you have to do. Who cares if they call you names? They aren't your friends. Friends don't make you do stuff like that to let you into their group to hang. They are doing it because they know you will do anything to be accepted.

When they should just accept you for who you are not someone you don't want to be. "We will find out soon enough though don't you think?" I ask Amber. She nods her head as we head to school and I see our other 2 friends already there. We get out of the car and head towards them. "You guys ready to put this plan into action?" Kayley asked us. We all laugh and nod our heads.

"Duh of course if we can scare them into backing down and showing them that their not so big and tough. That they should rethink their lives then maybe they will stop. Of course there is no picking on them because we will be just as bad as they are," I say. Everyone agrees and we all head to school determined to get everyone in on it and stop the bullies hopefully once and for all.
I think to myself as we go and look for the people that might be able to help we break into 2 groups.

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