Chapter seven: Finding An Exit

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I look around to see if this place is familiar to me and that if I can get out of it easily. But I don't recall this place at all so I scream in frustration and I start to look for the guy's car because as we were struggling I stole his keys in the process. I smile as I think of this and I finally find his car. But I'm going to be cautious. I know for a fact that he noticed his keys were missing.

After all his car is his baby he won't let anyone touch it not even his girlfriend. I roll my eyes and when I see that the coast was cleared I go to his car and I start it. As I do this I see him pop out and I give him the middle finger and I drive off. I look for a hidden dirt road to get me out of here. After searching for a while I finally find it.

I drive to Kaylays house and I knock on her door. When she answers it she looks shocked. I must look bad after all my clothes are dirty and ruined. "I was kidnapped," I tell her before I pass out.

*The next day*

I wake up and for a moment I forget where I'm at and I start to panic still thinking that I'm in the abandoned warehouse. Till I see Kayley sleeping next to me and I relax and I remembered what happened. As if she could sense me waking up she wakes up as well and she looks up at me worriedly and I smile to reassure her that I am fine. "You ok Dani? what happened?" she asks me. At first I hesitate on telling her but then I give up and I tell her the whole thing. "Dani I really think you should tell the cops what happened and get him put to jail. What he did was over the line," she says angrily.

I sigh and look away and then I shake my head no. "I know that but I'm not going to I'm going to have my revenge and get back at him by the plan that we still have to figure out. This has made me more determined then ever to take them down once an for all. If I go to the cops about this then it will show that I'm a coward and I don't want that," I say to her.

"Dani no one will call you a coward for telling the cops you need to think about this. Sure it will be easy to get revenge but you will just be like them and you don't want that do you?" She asks me. I sigh in frustration and I look down and away. "Fine your right but I'll do that after we get this all taken cared of. They need to be stopped they are getting worse. I mean what happens if they end up kidnapping someone else?" I ask her.

She rolls her eyes at me and scowls at me and I grin in satisfaction as she sees that I'm right on this. "Fine but don't say I didn't warn you. Oh yeah I called your mother while you were knocked out and she is worried about you she wants you to call her back asap," she says to me. I groan and sigh. "Alright fine I'll call her can I use your phone? As you can see I don't have mines anymore." I say.

She nods her head and hands me her phone. I call my mom and after two rings she picks up. "Hello? Who is this?" She asks. I smile to myself a little taking in her voice. I thought I would never hear her voice ever again. I think to myself. "Hey mom it's me I want to let you know is that I'm fine. I'm at Kayleys place," I tell her. I hear her sigh in relief.

"Thank fuck I was so worried! We need to go to the police about this," she says to me. I sigh and groan here we go again. I think to myself before I speak up. "Mom that won't be necessary I'm fine that's more important than going to the police," I say to her. I wait for her reply back I can just imagine the look on her face and see her eyes darken to a different color. (I got my eyes from my mom on them changing colors.)

"Danielle Marie Osborn! Don't you dare tell me not to! I'm your mother and your going to listen to me you got me?" She says. I groan as she uses my full name against me. "Yeah I get it mom," I say to her in defeat. "Good now I'm coming to get you so we can go to the police about this," she says to me. I start to panic. No I can't have her do that it will ruin everything.

I think to myself before speaking. "No it's ok mom Kayley and I will take care of it the police are already here so we will just talk to them," I tell her. Hoping that she will believe me on this. I hold my breath as I wait for her to answer back. "Alright fine but when your done you come back home you got me?" She says to me sternly. I roll my eyes.

"Yes mom I understand I love you," I tell her. I hear her take an intake of breath when she hears me say that. I don't say that to her often. "I love you too sweetie just deal with the police and then I want you home so I know that your safe got me?" She asks me. "Yes mother I do see you later mom," I say to her then I hang up and hand Kayley her phone back.

"Smooth move on lying to your mom like that," she says jokingly. I roll my eyes at her and stick my tongue out at her. "I know but it was necessary to do that. After all I don't want to deal with the police right now I think we should get everyone together tomorrow and get things settled once and for all.

Waiting for 2 weeks isn't enough we need to take action sooner. Don't you think so"? I ask her. She nods her head yes and I smile at her and I hug her. "Did I ever tell you that your the best and that your amazing?" I say to her. She laughs and punches me in the arm lightly and I laugh. "Ok I am going to wait for 2 hours and then I am going home. But we are not going to tell the others until tomorrow ok?" I ask her. She nods her head yes and I smile. "Ok good now what do you want to do for the next 2 hours?" I ask her. She grins and smiles before she says. "Lets play video games of course," she says.

I laugh and I roll my eyes and I nod my head yes on playing video games. We go into the living room and we steal the game controls from her brother and we start to play mortal combat. So that way I can blow off some steam from what happened yesterday. But it looks like Kayley is beating me and I laugh and keep trying then after 2 hours go by its time for me to head home.

I hug Kayley and before I go out the door Kayley grabs my hand and looks at me. "Please be more careful your my best friend and I don't want to lose you so you should try to be more careful please?" She asks me. I nod my head yes and I squeeze her hand to reassure her. I let her hand go and I go to the guys car and I drive home. Once I pull in I get out of the car.

I walk to the house and my mom pulls me into a bear hug and doesn't let me go. "M-mom I can't breath your crushing me," I say gasping. She lets me go and then looks at me. "Sorry sweetie but I was worried sick about you," she says to me.

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