Chapter nine: The Confrontation

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At first no one says anything. But then finally everyone nods their heads. I smile and grin. I knew they had it in them. This is going to be the best thing ever to happen. So everyone who is reading this right now. Don't give up, don't back down, who cares if we are outcasts? I rather be an outcast then keep letting bullies get the best of me don't you think? 

Think about all the bands we love a lot of them were outcasts as well but look at them now! People accept them now. I'm not saying to go start a band and be famous. what I'm saying is this. We all start small no one is born big. We each are unique in our own way. But it's because of that uniqueness that people try to put us down. Don't let that happen. 

Our heroes never gave up so why should we? They do this because they sense something in us that scares them. That's why they pick on us don't you think? But if we stick up and stand up they will back down. Don't let them take away what makes you, you. You have every right to be here in this world just as much as them. Then an idea pops into my head and I grin. "Everyone I have an idea we are going to get a car and mess it up. 

We are going to make it look just like his. We are going to show it to him. Once we do he will come and we shall be victorious don't you guys think?" I ask them. At first they don't say anything then they all cheer and grin. I couldn't help but grin back.

This will work out exactly the way I want it to work. What they didn't know is that it's not the real plan. I only said it because I know there is a spy among us. I don't know who but I know there is one. My friends already saw the real plan. We all decided to do this before I told everyone the fake plan. I already suspected who it was. But I wanted to make sure first. 

Once everyone is settled down and they leave I go to my friends and high five them. "That plan worked perfectly Dani don't you think?" Kayley asked me. I laugh and smile and grins. "Damn right it did! Now it's time to go find our rat don't you guys think?" I ask them. They all laugh and they nod their heads and we head out to confront our spy. 

I look around and then I spot the person. But the person didn't even notice us he was too busy talking to one of the bullies. We sit and wait once the bully leaves and we still see our spy there. That's when we spring into action and get close to him. "Hey is everything ok?" I ask him innocently. He looks a little nervous and nods his head. 

"Yes now if you would please excuse me I have to get going now," he says. But I block his path and my friends block him on either side. "Sorry but I don't think so we just saw you with one of the bullies. We know that your telling our bullies our plans. That's why they got the drop on us a few times," I say. 

He gets nervous and I grin more. "Do you know what we do to traitors?" I ask him. He shakes his head no and starts to shake as he looks up at me. "Y-you wouldn't hurt me you even said it yourself that you don't want to be like them. So I know for a fact that you won't do anything to hurt me," he says.

I smile at him. "Your right but I can do something to you though I can throw you out of the plan and you can go be with your bullies. I can't stand to look at you, your worse than they are," I say. He looks down and he walks away and all my friends looked at me.

 I just shook my head and started to walk away. My friends start to follow me. "So what now Dani what should we do?" Amber asks me. I just sigh and shake my head and don't say anything the rest of the walk till we all get to Amber's car. We all piled in and that's when I talk to them. "Ok now that our plan is working then let us begin phase two," I say.

My friends looked at me confused before they caught on. "Wait you mean to tell me that all of that was fake? the kid who we thought was a spy wasn't?" Bryan asks me. I grin and don't say anything. "Yep everything was all thought out on. What better way to get information than put one of our own in there. The kid is in drama class he is pretty good at acting don't you think?" I ask them. 

They all laugh and I can't help but see admiration in their eyes. "Ok big shot what else do you have up your sleeve?" Kayley asks me. I grin more. "Well today is Friday right? Let's all spend the night at Ambers house so we can discuss more on what I have up my sleeve don't you think?" I ask them. They all roll their eyes I get out of the car after talking to them. 

We were all going to meet up later at Ambers. I just needed to go back home and take care of a few things and then I would meet up with them later. When I drive myself home I go inside and I see my mom in the living room watching tv. She smiles at me when she sees me and pats the cushion next to her. "How was school?" She asked me.

"It was good, I was wondering mom do you think I could spend the night at Amber's place? I need some time out and be with friends is that ok?" I ask her. At first it looked like she was going to say no. But then she thought better of it and nods her head. "That will be fine just make sure to only stay at Amber's house and don't go anywhere. I don't want anything to happen to you ok?" She asks me. 

I nod my head yes at her and she smiles I hug her before going into my room. I grab a few things I think I will need for what I'm about to do next. I then start to pack up my over night bag and I set out to Amber's. When I get there everyone else was already there and eating pizza. I grab me a slice and we eat for a bit in silence. Once done we go into Amber's room. 

Everyone looks at me eagerly waiting for me to tell them the rest of the crazy plan that I cooked up. But I don't say anything I just pull out the stuff that I brought with me. Their eyes widen in surprise when they see what I brought with me. "Dani you sure can be scary that's for sure," Bryan says to me. I just laugh. "I know but you all love me and you all know it," I say. 

They all roll their eyes at me and then I get serious again. "Well we are going to get phase 2 planned out. I'm just waiting for our spy to contact me. Which should be soon," I say as I look at my watch. He is supposed to call me in half an hour with info. "Once he calls me and tells me what I wanted him to get for me. That's when this stuff comes in," I say pointing at what I brought. 

Everyone looks at what I brought. I had black clothes, flash lights, rope, and other stuff. "We are going to sneak into the bullies homes and we are going to put bugs in their houses. So we can hear what they have to say. I got them from one of my moms friends who used to be a cop. She was getting rid of them but then decided to give them to me," I say.

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