Chapter five: The Bullies Plans Could Be Our Undoing

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After class is over with I go and head to the parking lot but before I get there I get stopped by someone and they cover my mouth and pull me to the side. I want to scream but I don't try to fight them I just let them till I'm pushed into a corner and my eyes widen. When I see who the person who had me. It was the girl who pulled my hair who called me a freak. 

She just looks at me till finally she puts her lips to my ear. "I'm not going to hurt you I just want to talk so when I move my hand you promise me you won't scream ok?" She asks me. At first I get angry and I want to ram my knee into her stomach to knock her off of me. But something about her eyes makes me stop and nod my head at her. 

She lets my mouth go and I sigh in relief and then I look at her. "What is it you want to talk to me about that you had to do that?" I ask her curiously. At first she doesn't say anything she just looks at me. Finally I sigh and I had enough. "Ok if your not going to say anything then I'm just going to go now," I say ready to take my leave. 

But she stops me and pulls me back. "Ok ok I came here to warn you about what my friends are planning on doing," she tells me. My eyes narrow into slits being suspicious. "Why do you want to warn me? I'm a freak like you said," I say to her. She looks down and sighs and then looks up at me. 

"Well I thought about what you said and I want to make it up to you," she says to me. My eyes widen in shock and then I snort and roll my eyes. "Why should I believe you?" I ask her. She frowns and looks down and nods her head as if she expected me to say that. "I don't blame you for not wanting to believe me but just hear me out ok?" She asks me. I look at her for a moment and I hesitate till finally I sigh and groan. I better not be regretting this later. I think to myself and I nod my head. 

"Ok I'll listen to what you have to say. But I warn you if your lying to me and causing so much trouble for me and I don't like it? Then I'm going to make you regret it you hear me?" I say to her. I'm seriously not going to do anything but I want her to believe me. Because it will make her tell me the truth more. "Well my friends plan to make your guys is lives a living hell. You more than the rest since their more scared of you. You have more balls then they ever saw someone have. They don't want to admit it. 

But they admire you for it. That's why they plan to stop you by kidnapping you and beating you till your black and blue. Their also going to try to get their little siblings to go after yours. They really want to make your life a living hell. My advice to you is to stop this now and let things go as they are," she says to me.

I frown and then I scowl and I shake my head no and I glare at her and I stand up to my full height and I stare her down. "No it's time this ended once and for all. I'm going to make sure that this completely ends. Bullies have always gotten their way. I'm not going to let them have it again this time. This time they are going to be shown just how strong we are. That no matter what happens to us we won't back down. So you tell them this we aren't afraid of you anymore so bring it on you guys are only hurting yourselves," I say. 

The girl stands there for a bit shocked and I couldn't help but see admiration in her eyes. "Well you have better balls then I thought you had I respect that. But I would still back down if I were you. You don't want your family to get hurt do you?" She asks me. I laugh and shake my head. "You have no idea what my family is capable of. You tell them this as well if they go after my family they are just a bunch of cowards who would rather hurt a 9 year old and a 13 year old is the lowest thing I've ever seen them do," I say. 

The girl just smiles and walks away. I go and head to my friend Ambers car and I keep quiet till Amber speaks up. "Hey you ok? You look like something is bothering you," she asks me worriedly. I make myself smile and shakes my head no. "Nope nothing is wrong just have a lot on my mind you ready to go?" I ask her with a smile on my face. She nods her head and we get into her car and we go to her place where everyone else is at. 

Everyone smiles when they see Amber and I and we both sit on her bed and we just hang out for a bit. We wanted to have a little fun before we talked more about the plan. I think about rather I should tell them or not about what I was told. I didn't want them to worry about me. So I decide to keep it to myself I was going to confront them tomorrow before school. Finally after hanging out that's when we get down to business. 

"Ok now I looked at everyone's plans while we were in class and I must say a lot of them have very good ideas," Kayley told me. I smile and shake my head. "Of course they are serious about this. Can we really blame them? Most of their lives they have been cowering from their bullies to find out they can finally stand up to them by being surrounded by people who cared is something way better than they could ever imagined. I told you guys that it's amazing what we can do when we just stick together don't you think?" I ask them.

They all smile and nods their heads and that's when we started to pour over on everyone's ideas. After a few hours of going over it we all lounge around and I fall on the bed and sighs. "Who would have thought it was going to be harder than we thought to pick an idea! It's so frustrating," I say with a groan. I lay there for a moment and think about all of the things we have read. 

Then I sit up and my eyes light up as I think of something. "Duh I have an idea why don't we just pull out some of the things we think are good from their ideas and roll them up in a giant plan. What do you guys think?" I ask them. They don't say anything for a while and then they all nod their heads in agreement. "I think that's a great idea so now let us begin," Kayley says. 

I smile and grin. I really hope this works now for me to come up with my own plan on facing the bullies that want to kidnap me is a different story. I know you guys probably think I'm crazy but I know I have to do this because I don't want anyone to hurt the people I love and care about. You guys probably think this is starting to sound made up but all of this really happened crazy right? But from what I've gathered people seem to like this story so I'm going to keep on going. So glad you guys have made it this far with me. 

Now back to the story. "Well guys I got to get going I have to do a few things but I will see you guys again on planning this on the weekend," I say as I leave after Amber tries to catch up with me to take me home.

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