Chapter four: Will This Plan Really Work?

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I get nervous as I stand around with the dozen people we have gathered. Realizing that it wasn't near enough to stand up to the people that pushed us around. Most of the kids we talked to were scared and didn't want to. Even when we made good points. The ones we were able to gather seemed more eager enough. "Ok so we need a new plan. We need more than what we have we need at least 20 people to do this. I mean don't you guys want to finally put the bullies in their place by numbers? To show even though they may knock us down but we grow stronger because we just be ourselves and have friends who we can count on," I say to our little group. 

They all nod their heads and look at me with hope in their eyes. It breaks my heart and makes me want to do this even more. I don't want people to be afraid anymore I want them to have more confidence. We can change things if we set our minds to it. It's amazing what we can do. When we are determined to do something. Wouldn't it be awesome to finally be able to get bullies to hopefully change? Sure it might not work because you can't change someone unless they want to change. 

But we shouldn't give up on it at least we are trying! Instead of just standing around and being afraid and worrying when your going to get bullied again. Wondering who you can trust or not. Wouldn't it be better to start having more confidence? Look at all the stuff you could do with confidence. People would respect you. They pick on you because they think you won't do anything. That's what makes them so strong don't you think?

But if you stand up and stick up for yourself they just might leave you alone. If not? That's what standing in numbers is for. "So you guys ready to get more people to help us out or what?" I ask my group. They all nod their heads and they all stand up and get ready to get more recruits. Hopefully they will have a better chance. I think as we all go and try to find a different approach on people to get them on our side. 

"Hey guys I was wondering do you think you would be able to help us out on standing up to our bullies? Don't you guys want to stop being afraid? I'm not asking you to fight them I'm asking you to come with us and stand up to them. I mean like literally stand up to them. Showing them that their smaller than they realize should wake them up and back down don't you think?" I ask the group of teens that I'm standing in front of. 

They don't say anything they just look at me. So just when I'm about to turn around and leave. One of them stops me. "Wait I think your right. But what if just doing that isn't enough? What if it just makes them want to pick on us even more?" One of the teen girls asks me. I look at her as I turn around and I smile at her. 

"I know I thought of that but it never hurts to try you know? It might not stop every bully but it could stop quite a bit. You will be surprised what you do can make an impact on someone. Even something small. But what else do we have to lose? They are already making our lives a living hell so how does it make a difference on anything else we do?" I ask them.

They stare and nods their heads. "Your right we will join you and we will get others to join as well," the girl who stopped me says. I smile and nod my head and I tell her where we should meet. Once that is done we go and try to gather as many people as we could then we all meet up at the place where we are all supposed to meet. Once there everyone sits down.

My friends and I stand in front of the group we have at least 20 people. Looks like we can finally do this after all. I think to myself as I smile. I go and stand in front of them and everyone grows silent. "Thanks everyone for being here today and for helping us out. You have no idea how much it all means to us to have you all here. Now I know you guys probably think this isn't going to work. Your probably right but I'm not going to back down and I have nothing to lose. But maybe if we all take a stand then together we shall be able to stop them!" I shout. 

Everyone cheers and shouts and then after they are done and they settle down I start to talk again. "But before we do any of that we must come up with a plan to set this plan into action. So if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears to hear you guys out," I say to them. At first it looked like no one was going to say something till everyone started talking at once. 

"I have an idea....... Yeah that plan just might work......... Wow this is all just so crazy........" People start to all talk at once till I whistle and everyone starts to go quiet. "Everyone please settle down and start talking one by one. All you guys are doing is confusing everyone. So I'm going to give you guys paper and write your plan and write your name so I know who to talk to once we pick out a plan. Does that work for everyone?" I ask them. 

They all nod their heads and Kayley gives everyone paper and pencil and everyone is quiet as they all write down their plans. I couldn't help but grin. I knew people had it in them to never give up. Look how much fire people have including yourself. That's why bullies pick on you they see fire in your eyes and fire in your heart. Don't let anyone extinguish that fire at all. Keep it up. Look what my friends and I have come up with. 

I'm not telling anyone to do the same plan as I did. But I want you to think about it on not giving up. On keeping that fire going and strong you guys are amazing! If I can see it why can't you? After everyone is done writing Kayley collects them and hands them to me and I smile at her. "Now then as to when this is going to happen. Is when we have the plan all ready to go and picked out. We shall meet back here in 2 weeks that's when we shall have the plan in action. That should give us plenty of time to plan and prepare. Now I already have all your numbers so I'll text you all when I have a time and date to meet and get this into motion," I say. 

Everyone nods their heads in agreement and everyone leaves all who are left are just my friends and I. I sit down where I'm standing and I sigh in relief. "Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be harder than I thought," I say to them. They sit beside me and hug me and rubs my back gently. "That may be true but you know your not alone you will always have us we stick by each other no matter what," Amber says. 

I smile and nods my head. "Your right I do I don't know what I would do without you guys. That's for sure I don't think I could ever make it in high school without you dorks," I say with a smile. After that we go back to class and deal with school without anyone messing with us. It made me feel uneasy about the fact that no one was messing with me. 

Every time I look at them they seem to be whispering and smirking at me. I couldn't help but think they had something up their sleeve. The question is what is it that they have planned?

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