Chapter eleven: Victory is ours?

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Finally it's the day we all have been waiting for. The day the bullies get smacked down without us having to lift a finger against them has got to be an accomplishment. I think to myself as I get ready for school I don't take the guys car with me. Amber will be picking me up and we are going to be skipping school.

I got Kayleys dad to handle about all of us not being in school for the day. Because Kayley's dad is awesome like that. Once Amber comes and picks me up we head to the spot where everything begins. I have a few people keeping a look out for the bullies that said that they were going to be there and get the drop on us.

We finally told them the real plan. At first they were mad but they got over it quickly. I can't help but get excited and I pull out a walkie talkie. I talk to one of the people who are on the look out. "Any sign of the little pigs?" I ask trying not to laugh at the code name. "Nope we are in the clear big bad wolf looks like they thought we would be in school still," he says to me. I just smile and I get to where it's all going to go down. After a few hours go by the bullies start to come over here. The ones that are supposed to be on the look out for us. I just laugh and grin.

"Ok everyone lets do this. Let's welcome the piggies to our welcome home wagon," I say into the walkie talkie. I go out and greet the three bullies who are here. They look at me in shock surprise to see me here. I just grin and smile. "Well hello there fancy meeting you guys here. What do we owe the pleasure of your company?" I ask them.

They look at me speechless not knowing what to do and say. I just laugh and I get into their face. "You guys thought you could get us easily when your wrong. Tell the rest of your buddies to come over here so we can all have a nice chat don't you agree with me?" I ask them in the sweetest voice that I could come up with. They just glare at me.

Finally they start calling the others to meet us up here. Once done everyone is here and I start to relax. I call everyone else minus the people I have staying hidden by the traps to spring them. Just in case something goes wrong it's more of a backup plan than anything. The leader of the bullies comes over to me and smiles at me. "I must say I wasn't expecting to see you here, your one clever bitch I'll give you that much," he says to me.

I throw my head back and laugh and then I look him dead in the eyes. "You ready to end this once and for all? The jig is up you guys should just surrender. We have you cornered I mean come on do you really want to keep going at this? Isn't this tiring for you? Picking on us all the time? Don't you guys have something better to do?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything he just continues to glare at me till I had enough and sighed. "So really your going to just keep going at it? This is getting to be tiring. How will this accomplish anything? I mean come on this isn't going to help you out with your future," I say to him. He just grins at me and then gets close to me. "See that's where your wrong about that, this does help my future because only the strong survive and the weak get slammed down for the count. But I agree with you on this ending today. We had enough of your bullshit you will be thrown down," he says to me.

I just sigh and shakes my head looking disappointed. "You see that's where your wrong we are not weak we are strong. Look how we all got together? there are only seven of you and twenty of us. Now tell me something did it ever occur to you that this could affect your future? you tried to have one of your goons kidnap me and beat the shit out of me. Someone who has a bad record? won't make it far in life. You think you will be a big shot one day when your wrong. There will always be someone bigger and crueler than you are," I say to him.

I see his eyes widen in shock as I say this, because each word I said I backed him into a corner where he couldn't escape. "So tell me this can you handle the people that are in the real world? Look at what's happening out there. Children getting abused by parents. Teens committing suicide because they think their not pretty enough to live. Then it gets worse," I say to him.

He looks at me waiting for me to continue he can't help but be pulled in. "Human trafficking where young girls get pulled out of their beds. In the middle of the night never to be seen again. People committing murder, the list goes on. So this on what your doing? Is petty compared to all of that. Do you really think you won't get killed by someone who hates you for making their lives hell?" I ask him.

"You wouldn't kill me I know you wouldn't," he says to me. I just snort and rolls my eyes. "No I wouldn't but someone else would most of school shootings happens because of teens being bullied. It makes a chain reaction do you really want to be known as the guy who caused so much shit to happen?" I ask him.

He looks at me for a while. "You may be right about that but who cares? The world is going to be cruel and always will be I don't see how this is any different," he says to me. Then I watch him and see that he's getting into a stance where he is going to take a swing at me. I watch him waiting to see what he's going to do next. That's when I see it happens he brings his fist out and takes a swing at my face.

I dodge it and punches him in the stomach causing him to double over. As the air gets knocked out of him. I pin him against the wall and I get mad. "Enough! I'm tired of this bullshit! Wake up and think! Your being really stupid right now!" I scream at him. Causing everyone to stare in wonder. I usually don't yell so it's rare to see me raise my voice. I let the guy go and I turn away from him and that's when things break out and all hell breaks loose.

"Dani look out behind you!" Screams Bryan in warning I spin around. I see him charging after me. This is it, I think to myself. I stand my ground and I just smirk when he gets closer I grab his arm and I flip him over on his back. "Had enough yet? I don't want to fight! I just want the bullying to stop! How would you feel if you were in my shoes? Wouldn't you want this to end as well?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything for a bit then he takes a deep breath and shakes his head. "It's not that easy you will never get what it's like at all," he says to me. I look at him confused. Then I hear someone scream and I see Amber got taken and that's when I get my walkie talkie out. "This is big bad wolf the piggies have gone out of control its time to wrap them in," I say.

I hear laughter and then I hear the bullies scream in surprise when they all get caught in a net and a cage. I go over to the guy who had Amber and I smile at him. We made sure she got out before she got hurt. "Are you going to give up now or are we going to admit defeat?" I asked him. He sighs and nods his head and I smile big. "I knew you would see it my way," I said.

The end

I'm going to write and epilogue tomorrow about what happens after this and how things turned out. So please read it tomorrow! That will be the last thing I'll do tomorrow before I put this book as completed and don't hesitate to tell me what you thought of this story.

Thanks everyone who stayed with me and helped me out with this. It was really hard to write but I got it done and also I have an announcement to make tomorrow as well about three new stories I'm going to start writing soon so enjoy and look forward to what's to come tomorrow ^-^

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