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The gush of wind passed by as phoenix drove his bike at a high speed.

He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the  three bikes still following him making his curse under his breath.

Phoenix had left Kim's house after taking up the responsibility of the file but on his way he noticed three bikes following him.

Just to be on a safer side, he drove to the opposite side.

He was right. The bikes were indeed following him.

When the realisation settled in, phoenix sped up and the game of tag started.

He drove through the nearly empty highway, taking turns, trying to lose the bikes following him but to no vail.

He notice the red blinking light, showing the the petrol was nearly over.

"Fucking hell!" Phoenix shouted frustratingly.

He looked back and saw the bikes were quite far away. He took this chance and did one more turn and entered an alley.

He got off the bike with the file, not bothering to make sure the bike was okay after letting it fall down, he ran away.

The five dudes on the bike after him, noticed the fallen bike and got on foot too.

They parted ways to make the search quicker.

Prapai breathed heavily as he ran through the alley.

After a few minutes he stopped to take a breath not before making sure no one was following him.

He felt his pocket for his phone but cursed when he felt nothing.

He must have dropped it while running.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

He should have brought his gun! Fucking hell!

He kicked the empty barrel in anger.

After kicking the barrel he heard hushed voices and then hasty footsteps.

He started running again.

The footsteps sounded more clear as they neared him.

He took a turn and came to a dead end. It looked like a backside of the club.

There was a man, more like a young boy, satnding there with a cigarette in his hand.

The two looked at each other and Phoenix said the first thing that came into his mind "help me"

"Huh?" The young boy made a questioning noise, not sure what was going on.

"Some goons are following me, help me!" Phoenix explained with an urgent voice as the footsteps got louder and louder.

"Why should I?" The young boy asked and as soon as he said that, the goons who were following him punched phoenix.

"I'll give you 30,000 bhat!" Phoenix yelled as the goons cornered him.

He knows he can fight but he needs to make sure the file in his hand is in one piece.

"50,000" the young boy smirked.

"Okay!" Phoenix agreed.

The young boy dropped the ignited cigarette from his hand and stepped on it.

The goons were only two, he can take them down... Hopefully.

The young boy took a hold of one of the goons collar and pulled him behind making him stumble.

☯︎Sɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ Tʜᴇ Pᴀsᴛ☯︎ (𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑆𝑘𝑦)Where stories live. Discover now