"The Outsider" | The Avengers

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"Who are you!? What do you want!"


New York
The Apartment


The building violently shook. It was like an earthquake started right there in the city. Destiny stumbled and grabbed onto the wall.

She looked around the room, pictures were falling off the wall, and the hanging lights above the kitchen table fell onto it, shattering upon impact and sending glass across the area.

Destiny shot up and ran to the crash-site.

There was a hole in the wall, the tail-end of some long creature passing out of her view was visible. The creature let out a loud sound that pierced Destiny's ears like a hot knife through butter.

It was loud, unpleasant, and painful. Her ears started to ring, her heart beat faster, her breathing rapidly, and she started to sweat. She quickly brought her hands to her ears, trying fruitlessly to protect herself from the relentless attacker of sound.

She crumbled to the ground and curled up clutching her ears, she could feel blood coming from them.

The line went silent. She took the phone from her ear to look at it, he must have hung up, she was scared, aliens were flying around causing destruction and terror and all she could do was sit there in her apartment, alone.


It had been almost a year since the attack on New York. Her dad was at work during the attack and could not get there, and her mother was dead.

She was shaken awake, it was her dad. She grabbed her hearing aids off her nightstand and put them in. "I'll be dropping you off at school today, we gotta talk about some stuff." He told her, leaving the room before she could ask.

He was always like this, always leaving whenever for whatever, being busy all the time, never giving her a single thought or say in anything.

She got through her morning routine and got to the car where her dad was waiting for her. "I want you to start taking self-defense classes after school." he said while starting up the car. This would be a long ride.

"Da I'm already taking ASL, if I did that then I wouldn't have time to work." She replied. He glanced over at her, "You know I don't want you around him anyways DD" her dad responded.

She didn't know why he didn't want her around her uncle, sure the area was a bit rough around the edges but it wasn't like she was in danger or anything.

"But why? No one's about to try and rob an auto shop" she said. Her dad sighed, "It's not just about criminals you know that, now your taking lessons and that's final." He ordered.

"On the weekends." She said.

"No" he shut her down.

"Yes" she said back.

"No" he looked at her this time.

"Yes" she wasn't giving up.

"Fine, but you have to actually go." Even if they were distant, the two of them had two things in common: They were stubborn.

The Outsider; W. Maximoff ¹ √Where stories live. Discover now