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Hello. This is my first real "authors note" of the book, it's something I did too often in my other titles so I really worked to avoid them here.

This chapter will be used to clear up some questions that you mag have asked during the time in the story.

Destiny's Parent Powers:
Destiny's central power is Materiokinesis, or basically controlling matter with her mind.

But she can't just do that at will, she has to use the Aether (The liquid form of the reality stone) and what ever matter the Aether is touching, she can control.

Some limitations of her power are "The law of conservation of mass" (she cannot delete or create mass), she is limited by her reaction speed and knowledge of chemistry/ lack there of (refer back to the afterparty scene)

It takes a physical toll on her, she has to be focusing on something for the changes to have effects.

Destiny's powers are extended to Chemo and Elementokinesis (manipulating chemistry and the elements {Earth, wind, fire etc.})

Destiny's Suits

"My Little Island"-"Pager"

The emblems would be the Avengers symbols, the reds would be gold, the boots would obv be jet boots and the spiked gauntlets would be repulsor gloves

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The emblems would be the Avengers symbols, the reds would be gold, the boots would obv be jet boots and the spiked gauntlets would be repulsor gloves. The face mask would basically be Bucky's from "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

What does this story mean:This story explores the idea of what it means to be a hero

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What does this story mean:
This story explores the idea of what it means to be a hero. Now obviously superheroes are basically a work of fiction, so what is the real theme? In the story, Destiny's inciting incident for her DFM (Desire, Fear, and misbelief) is killing the thug in the alleyway.

This causes her to believe that she cannot be a hero, but at the end of the story, after all the events; she talks to Steve who is the paragon of purity basically and he tells her that what happened in the past doesn't define who she can be now, and that is what one of the takeaways of this story is.

These are stories that I pulled inspiration from.

Power Origin: "The Black Swann" series on Ao3

Destiny's Background: Felicia Hardy from "The Cat and The Birdie Next Door"

Title: Lyn Lapid; The Outsider EP

Description and Branding: clexaswanheda

Future Plot:
I'm not going to spoil too much about the next books, but some plotlines set up in the first chapter will be returning next book, and Destiny and Wanda's relationship will have more of a focus.

This story was a thought experiment put on paper, and it will continue to be explored. I thank you for making it this far, truly, and I hope you will stick around for the sequel. With Love,

- Jasmine

- Jasmine

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