"I Guess That Was Goodbye" | A:AOU

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"No. But Ultron's got an enemy. That's not the same thing."


Once back into the real world, Destiny searched for Wanda, but she, nor Pietro were there. The ground had returned to it's natural state, which meant her powers wore off.

"Argh!" She screamed, eyes twitching; she was pissed.

Pissed that she lost.

Pissed that Wanda betrayed her.

And pissed that Wanda was right.

She couldn't be a hero; not while she was in a state where she would be hurting the people she wanted to protect, that she would kill whoever she deemed deserved it.

She wasn't going to make any good in the world.

Her head was throbbing, either from the punch, mind-warp, or power overuse she wasn't sure. Likely a combination.

Destiny stood in thought, 'What did the twins want? It clearly wasn't her.'

Then a roar echoed in the distance, "Oh shit." She breathed.

Destiny ran in the general direction of the Quinjet, "The twins went after Bruce, he might have been angered does anyone copy?" She spoke into her comms.

"Meet me in the main ship, it's clear in here" Clint said. He sounded out of breath.

"I might be able to stop him, I can't just let him go" she said.

Clint groaned over the line, "Tony has a plan for this situation, if you can't stop Banner then you'll just be an extra casualty" He said.

He was right, it wasn't worth the risk "Now get here; I'm not asking."

"Understood." She mumbled, turning once more in the direction of the roar; she turned back anguished.


When they finally regrouped, it was not in victory.

The rest of the team had fared just as poorly as Destiny had. Bruce— Hulk, had gone on a rampage that ended in Tony calling in his HulkBuster suit and destroying an in-progress skyscraper. Natasha, Steve, and Thor all had their minds altered by Wanda as well, and had come out of the ordeal shaken to the core. Clint only escaped because he'd neutralized Wanda with a stun arrow, so he was the one flying the quinjet.

It wasn't until they made contact with Avengers Tower that the silence was broken.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is." Maria informed them, "There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Destiny glanced at Bruce from her seat. He was trying to sleep, but he was fitful, twitchy, suffering from the lingering effects of Wanda's mind manipulation, and the mention of his name had him awake in seconds.

Destiny in part felt guilty for what happened, the lives that could have been lost, but she couldn't stop what was going to happen.

The team ultimately lost today, but Destiny kept her head up, there was one thing they could still do.


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