"Comatose" | A:AOU

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"Are you... On our side?"


Steve marched into the lab with Destiny and the twins on his heels, "I'm gonna say this once." He warned them.

Tony and Bruce both looked up in shock at their appearance. "How about 'none-ce'?" Tony quickly shot back.

"Shut it down!" Steve shouted.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony shook his head.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve looked between the two scientists.

"And you do?" Bruce asked, glaring past the soldier at Wanda, "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda tried to step around Destiny to get to Bruce, but she held an arm out and stopped her from getting too close.

"Oh, we're way past that." Bruce deadpanned. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Glad I'm not the only one." Destiny hissed between her teeth as Wanda took a deep breath beside her.

"Banner," Steve stepped between them and him, "After everything that's happened—,"

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony shouted.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda argued.

"This isn't a game!" Steve shouted.

Destiny walked over to the scientists side,

Pietro suddenly whipped around the room, unplugging and powering down all the equipment connected to the Cradle. He stopped beside Bruce, holding a pipe in his hand, "No, no. Go on." He mocked, tossing the pipe at Bruce's feet. Machines beeped and whirred dangerously at the sudden lack of power."You were saying?" Pietro asked Tony, who was spinning in circles, confused.

There was a gunshot and Pietro fell through the glass floor.

"Pietro!" Wanda shouted.

"What?" They heard Clint ask from the floor below, "You didn't see that coming?"

The machines that still had power continued to beep and wail, "I'm rerouting the upload." Tony quickly spun back around and powered up his console.

Steve threw his shield, breaking several of the computers, but Tony called an Iron Man gauntlet to his hand and he blasted Steve back.

Wanda prepared an attack and Destiny quickly hit her with the Aether, sending the brunette into a wall. "Don't like it when I fight back huh?" She taunted, preparing another strike. Wanda threw her back with her own burst of energy in retaliation before Destiny could attack once more.

Steve and Tony both lashed out at each other again, sending the other man flying backwards. Steve through a door, and Tony through a glass window.

Before anyone else could attack again, Thor came crashing in from another room and jumped onto the Cradle.

"Thor?" Destiny questioned.

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