"Pager" | Epilogue

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"Do you believe in destiny?"


It happened in a matter of seconds. The mist of the Aether turned all the bullets that endangered Clint and the child into bubbles, slowing them down so that when they turned back they would fall to the ground.

The other Avengers were left unharmed, but Destiny took a bullet through her chest.

"Get her to a doctor!"

Destiny bolted back into consciousness, she was in someone's arms.

There was a bullet in her torso and it hurt like hell. Like her entire body was trying to shut down.

She struggled to stay in consciousness as she was went from a pair of arms to the ground, "Stay with me kid we're gonna get you help" a voice said.

Her vision was blurred and she couldn't make out who was saying what. She tried to feel for her hearing aids but she felt a flash of pain.

"Stop moving!" 'I got that'

"What the hell happened!?' 'A bullet.'

Some other stuff was said in a different language which she assumed was the twins.

She felt movement which was probably the life boat that she was on returning to the helicarrier.

"Thor take her to the Helicarrier"

Or not.

She felt the wind hit her face at high speeds, 'So I'm flying' she thought.

She heard yelling and the wind stopped. Then she was set down, and she faded.


Destiny awoke to bright lights. "Am I dead?" She asked jokingly, sitting up and looking around.

She winced, the pain reminded her what had just happened. 'What happened to the city?'

No one was there when she woke up, so no one would stop her from seeing exactly what was happening.

She took off the white sheets that covered her, she had bandages wrapped around her abdomen down to the edge of her rib cage, she couldn't tell where exactly she was shot.

She felt a severe discomfort on the right side of her ribs, and she felt like she had to throw up and she was tired, and exhausted.

She heard footsteps from outside of the room, and voices. "Where are we going to get another Quinjet?" It was Clint.

"Are there no more Quinjets left— Hey! What are you doing up?" Natasha was the second voice.

"What happened?" Destiny deflected the question. Natasha looked annoyed, Sestiny didn't know whether it was because of her or something else. "Ultron hijacked our Quinjet and flew around raining bullets on us, and you took a bullet through the liver protecting Clint, a kid, and Pietro"

The liver, that's why her body shut down, "Pietro?" She asked, the memories starting to become more clear.

"We had the bullet removed, but your going to need to stay in the hospital until it heals completely" Clint said, scratching the back of his head.

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