"How Did I Ever" | A:AOU

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"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me."


Destiny stood at one end of Novi Grad, watching as the people silently left their homes and marched out of the city. The eyes of the people were glazed over as a red mist shrouded their heads. Wanda's ability to manipulate so many people at once was, in all honesty, breathtaking.

"Any luck finding Nat?" Clint asked over their communications.

"Working on it." Bruce answered.

"Work faster, please." Wanda grunted over the line.

"Kid, Barton, we gotta get on the ground and get people moving. Faster." Steve ordered.

"On it." they replied.

"Pietro? How are things on your end?"

"Oh, just peachy." Pietro responded sarcastically, "Slower than molasses on a winter's day." He muttered under his breath.

Destiny began to push the disoriented people towards the edge of the city, "Go, get to safety." People looked at her, confused, "The city isn't safe, please, evacuate while you can." She helped an elderly couple link up with a set of students and instructed them to assist the couple out of the city.

"Try saying it like; 'get to safety. The city isn't safe'." Wanda instructed, switching to Sokovian.

Destiny tried to hide her confusion as she continued to push and point people toward the city's edge. "Say it again, slow." She requested.

"Get to safety." Wanda said slower.

"Get to safety." Destiny repeated back quietly so only the team could hear.

"The city isn't safe." Wanda instructed.

"Ayy! Get to safety! The city isn't safe! We need to evacuate!" Pietro yelled over the line, causing the others to groan in pain at his loud voice in their ears.

"Get to safety, the city isn't safe?" Destiny repeated.

"Good enough. People will know." Wanda answered.

So, Destiny began to shout, "Get to safety! Go! The city isn't safe!" And the people looked at her, shocked, but then her words would sink in and they began to quicken their pace.

"I could just make an illusion of a monster and that would be more efficient" she joked over the line.

"That would be a PR nightmare kid" Tony spoke. Destiny didn't get to reply as the ground erupted from under her and knocked her flat on her back.

The people screamed and began to scatter like disorientated mice as one of Ultron's drones, her drones began to crawl out of the road where it had knocked Destiny back.

"Ultron's on the move!" Destiny called over the line. She brought the Aether out around her and sent it out as spikes, tearing through drones.

She directed people to safety and shielded them from the swarm of drones by bringing up the ground. After the group she was protecting was far away she turned the earth to spikes, destroying the drones.

The Outsider; W. Maximoff ¹ √Where stories live. Discover now