talk • [beomgyu]

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Sometimes you just can't go on by yourself, why can't you just take my hand and tell me everything you need to say.

All I need is one conversation.

Because I know how it feels to be someone who loses their way.


Ever since you were a child your parents rarely were on good terms.

Whenever you all went out as a family or with friends it would only be an act. Hiding what really seeps through your smiling faces.

With such a long time of living such a quiet, false life. You eventually accepted that this is how it really was for you. Thinking of emotions as nothing but distractions.

Though you were young, you knew the most simple thing you needed was a conversation, a talk. But that was something that never turned up.

At that, every time you'd cry as a child because you felt alone all your parents would say was, "You'll be fine. Don't cry. It's not that big of a deal."

Perhaps it wasn't, but you hoped your parents would try to come together to help you. That they would at least try to talk to you and make sense of what you were feeling. They never did... all that have been done to you was to have your feelings shut away or handle them yourself.

After that, emotions were... never important to you. Worthless.

But somehow, in your quiet and separated life. Someone quite loud and bright came to you.

It was Beomgyu.

At first, you'd bite your tongue and find him annoying as he'd repeatedly approach and try to get to know you.

You both went to the same dance company after all. You had similar schedules so you would see each other a lot. You even lived in the same neighborhood so everywhere you'd go there would always be a sign of him somehow.

Sometimes you'd be sitting in the practice room minding your business. When he'd talk for even a little it was infuriating.

Your small group of friends would be around you, but they knew that's how you were. You were quiet, and kept things to yourself so they wouldn't bother you about it.

Not Beomgyu though.

He disregarded all of that and was always eager to have you talk to him. He was one of the only people who'd ask you things about yourself, like how your day was.

That's how it started, him approaching you and diligent to have a conversation with you.

Eventually, you started to appreciate his efforts little by little, looking forward to those small gestures he did. Even if you found his loud personality irritating.

"Y/n, how are you? Have you guys got the choreography?" He smiled gently as he greeted you.

You shut your eyes at noticing him, he always found the tiniest things to ask you about. But this time, you were glad to hear his voice.

Before, you wouldn't even look at him, now you decided to acknowledge his presence.

"Why do you always want to talk to me?" You asked him that, every time he came up to you.

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