Prologue: A Warm Welcome

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The Dragonlands is broken, falling apart, just like the rest of Lemuria and yet it was the only part of the planet that was entirely being held together by the chains of its people. It appeared primal and lush in nature bursting with elemental magic. It is referred to as the 'Brood Lands' of the 'Draconic Kin' while the capital city of the Dragonlands is known as 'Dracthara' or the 'City of the Dragons'. The city is located in the mountainous region of the Dragonlands that is known as 'Dragon Heart' and it was known for its formidable structures as well as complex waterways. Filled with pristine and beautiful intact buildings as well as gardens, its vertical lofty mountains and great cave systems served as the homes to various races. The harpies built great aqueducts that reached across the entire valley and great cisterns of stone that would be improved on by us humans, and we humans had a lot to do and make up for. We lost the war and the only reason we were kept alive was due to our technology that the harpies of the Dragon Empire adopted for their own needs. There were many of us who were purged after the war and those of us that remained were survivalists. I was brought to the city by a massive spaceship whose door opened and whose massive metallic ramp reached down to the harbor before we would disembark. We were all in chains, humans and kazari alike, and to those below we were an exhibit.

"Too skinny...", we were all placed in line, carefully being observed by the Dragon Guard, the city's watchmen that picked us out. "Too sickly...", the haru that moved before our line had one look at us and knew immediately what he didn't or did like seeing.

I didn't know where those people that were undesirable to him were taken but I was hoping he didn't label me as such. I stood there with my jaw and my entire head chained, waiting in fear. The haru walked back and forth until he was satisfied with his assessment, and then the guards then just pulled us back and we would go through processing. The Empyreal Outskirts, also known as the 'Dracthara Outskirts', is what surrounds the city of Dracthara that lies on top of a large plateau of Dragon Heart. From each and every side of the outskirts there are large waterfalls that fall below into the many rivers that surround the plateau of the city. We would bathe hear under the watchful eyes of harpies that sat on floating stones tied to chains. After that, I was brought to the market where we were being sold to slave traders, who depending on their allegiance would determine our life's choices, and I prayed for someone good.

"Now this one looks good.", a human male observed me closely. "What do you think, Jill?", the woman beside him glared at me and I gulped in her presence. "Can you talk, little girl?", the male asked and I nodded my head. "Sir, yes, sir.", I replied formally and he laughed.

", I replied formally and he laughed

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"It seems this one has good manners. Where you from, las?", he made conversation. "I was from the Doom Falcon.", this made Jill smirk happily and Jack lift one eyebrow in confusion.

"The what falcon?", he said. "It was a massive spaceship that I lived on, now long gone.", I replied. "Oh...", the man looked uneasy. "How old are you?", he asked.

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