Chapter Six: The Battle of Cockaigne

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After a good day's rest and preparation, we knew that the scarecrows themselves were waiting in the haystacks for us to come out and Naomi Pharon was probably waiting for us just to open our door. It was then that our door would finally open and from the forefront top of the large round table is where Naomi Pharon would land on the edge, gazing down upon the door with curiosity for she could not see a living soul present there. The scarecrows in their haystacks got up to gaze upon the opened door as well and they wondered where we were and if we were just going to leave the door open like that. The cuckolds aimed their rifles towards the door from the top of the chairs and the round table. They all waited patiently for us to come out. Bloody Mary, also known as the Scarlet Sorceress, dressed herself in a red velvet robe with a red hood over her head. Her eyes are red, her long hair is red and her nails were even red. Those that followed her, the cuckolds, tried to dress in matching attire with leather jackets and leggings. They wore tiaras and top hats while their jackets were red with white fur sticking out from alongside their necks. They wore black leggings and black fingerless gloves while carrying rifles that charged itself with elemental magic of fire, which meant they were Jager hunters.

"You better shut that door, Jour, or we will...!", shouted Naomi Pharon from the top of the table and it was then that Jour himself would be the very first one to step out of the room.

He would take a few steps towards the table and the scarecrows reached for their scythes only to take a few steps towards him in preparation. It was the first time after a long time that he dared to step closer to the table and they all knew it quite well. The druid raised his hand, casting a spell...

"Or you will all what?!", his voice would echo back towards Naomi loud and clear because of it. "Kill me?!", he shouted. "I encourage it!", he taunted them all. "Then my beloved Briar Rose shall be freed from her imprisonment and I'll finally be able to die a happy man!", he claimed.

"Be careful what you wish for!", the android shouted back. "She will be free from her cage, sure, but what will you accomplish by awakening a soul that has lied sleeping for over ten long years, huh?", Naomi spread her arms in response and she smiled before lowering them down.

The scarecrows and the cuckolds waited in position while Jour just stood there. He looked up to the large glass chandelier that was identical to the Kingdom of Rosamond when it was in its prime. There were many prism faceted layers of towering glass facing the heavens and the table in the middle had twelve seats with a burning brazier stand in the middle of it upon which stood many candles. The glow of the glass candles reflected at the bottom of the glass floor of the large chandelier that hung from above and the many windows that surrounded the round table shinned a bright light within. There was a large fireplace of stone just to Jour's right hand side and its glow made the approaching scarecrows appear even more menacing.

Jour looked up to the table to see the cuckolds that had their rifles aimed towards him and then looked towards the male farmers that had kept their heads down for they were like cannon fodder to the Bloodstone Tribe

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Jour looked up to the table to see the cuckolds that had their rifles aimed towards him and then looked towards the male farmers that had kept their heads down for they were like cannon fodder to the Bloodstone Tribe. The scarecrows dragged their scythes over the ground and others span them around with their claws in order to grind them together with a menacing, ruthless, and psychopathic stare. Every farmer approached with caution and every scarecrow approached with delight while the cuckolds observed with curiosity, wondering what Jour's next step truly would be.

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