Chapter Seven: Palace of Broken Glass

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The elevator took us to our destination and Jour did not have seven runic stones this time to save us in case things went wrong. The elevator stopped, the bright light bleeped, and the doors then slid open from both sides and we gazed inside to see a palace made out from glass that was in fact the inside of the chandelier. Everywhere we appeared to look we saw our own reflection and many tiny faceted layered pieces of glass hanging from the ceiling. Goldilocks was ready for all she needed was her claws and I was ready with my pistol in one hand as well as a sickle in the other. Jour, however, lost his staff and looked around wondering what he should do next. He waved his hand and weaved himself a new piece of wood in existence that he made into his new staff. He then touched the floor with his staff that sent out an echo throughout the palace.

"So predictable...", her voice echoed throughout the room and we all stood attention, carefully observing our surroundings. "I knew you would come...", it continued to echo and the voice that echoed was that of Bloody Mary. "And I see you brought the mighty Goldilocks...", she laughed.

"Show yourself!", shouted Goldilocks in anger. "Yu-hu!", Mary called and we all turned to see her as I shot at her before a piece of glass cracked, revealing it was an illusion.

"Bold strategy, my little enemy beyond the stars, how did that work out for you?", she taunted me and I sighed as I could see another image of Mary into the sky that Goldilocks hurled an axe towards that only served to crack once more, revealing it was another illusion.

It was then that many images of Bloody Mary swung their hands with fire in their hand and we all intended to scatter before Goldilocks was struck by her lamb in her chest that sent her flying into the elevator itself. Jour was then struck by one of the balls of flame that knocked him down and he rolled over the ground, removing the robe that was over his body as it burnt with an eternal flame. I turned to shoot at the lamb that ran away and I could hear Mary laugh as the elevator doors closed that descended downward. We were separated from Goldilocks.

"One down, two to go...", said Mary. "Now who do I kill first?", Mary toyed with us as she did with all her victims. "I know, how about the poor old man?", her laugh echoed throughout before the image of the lamb appeared from all around and I threw a flash-bang grenade on the ground.

Everything turned white and exploded, the sound echoed so loud that it paralyzed all of us. Bloody Mary, Jour and I were all caught by surprise by how loud it was. I could see the lamb standing and it seemed to be dazed while my vision was blurred as I could see Jour barely trying to stand up. I then raised my pistol and aimed towards the lamb before its soul turned into that of a red shard that levitated away and out of sight as well as reach of us.

"A worthy effort...", said Mary. "But futile.", I could her smirk when she said that and her arm reached around my neck before she lifted me up in a choke-hold.

"I want you to watch this.", she said with delight before raising her left hand that was aflame. "Mary!", shouted Talia. "Jour is mine!", Bloody Mary did not like what Talia had to say.

"But I want to watch her watch him suffer!", Mary said out loud as I could see the reflection of both of us in the mirrors. "How about you make her watch Goldi suffer?", Talia then appeared and struck Jour over the head with her staff and he fell down unconscious over the ground.

"Or better yet, why don't you just kill her right here, right now?", asked Talia. "But Talia, I want to watch them both watch each other suffer!", Mary responded and her psychopathic tendencies simply knew no bounds, and I wondered truly how sick in the head she truly is.

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