Chapter One: The World of Teyvat

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The Drury Bakery is a part of the Drury Lane and it was constructed within the southern wall of the Bazaar District of Dracthara City with two grand entrances, one that took you inside the city and the other that took you back outside. Most visitors passed through the bakery rather than passing through the great gates and Drury Lane is surreal as well as whimsical in nature. It is a pastel-colored dream world filled with gardens from which large candy canes and lollipops grew. There are flowery meadows with a town constructed in it that appeared to be full of candy shops and party decorations where many bakers, commonly magi of all types, sold their goods for all visitors that came through Drury Lane. There were many Selkie fairies flying throughout this place and those that were not were caged for they would otherwise set the garden ablaze. There was an Asrai magi that locals called the Sugar Plum Fairy for she was covered all cotton candy and she conjured with her magic to gift to the children. Near the end of Drury Lane there was a series of buildings and alleyways running between them that lead to a series of cul-de-sacs. The buildings here appeared to be made out of gingerbread, cake, and candy with gingerbread men running a lot everywhere, miniature and even human sized. At the end of one of these cul-de-sacs appeared to be several elven, human and kazarian individuals with the harpies standing on one of the rooftops, clawing into the rooftop off the building and eating the gingerbread. I would do the same because I was interested in how it tasted and it tasted like tiramisu, and I needed the caffeine badly. It was as if this enchanted place could sense it.

"Still hungry, little girl?", asked Jill and I looked at her with a smile. "No, I just wondered how it tastes and I assume it tastes on whatever you desire the most at the time.", Jill smiled and nodded her head. "You are correct. Welcome to Drury Lane, home of dentists and bakers of all types that make a living off our every day cravings.", I smirked as I followed after her.

Jack and Jill opened one of the gingerbread doors that lead inside of a house where there were people sitting on chairs around tables, all made out of the same material on the outside. The interior is the same as the interior and luckily nothing melted, it all stayed rigid hard unless you scooped at it with your claw or hands. There were many individuals here that seemed to be occupied with just kicking down the walls and even jumping into them. The walls remained intact and the building didn't cave in even though there were so many holes in here. Jack and Jill lead me down a flight of stairs and this time there was a concrete wall and a wooden door that they both knocked over. A latch opened and an eye appeared to look out that recognized the couple before opening the door. It was a large muffin man who nudged his head inside.

"Come on in, Thomas has been expecting you.", said the gingerbread man. "Thank you.", said Jill and Jack just walked in, and I followed along as the gingerbread gave me the weird eye.

This area wasn't whimsical as the one outside. It is a shady and dangerous tavern where rogues and rangers of all kind conversed, gathering to drink alcoholic beverages with strippers dancing in gingerbread clothing that melted away. There were musicians here and merchants that conducted shady business clear to the naked eye. There were eerie eyes looking at us but Jack and Jill didn't seem to care like I did. They walked behind the bar where a barkeeper stood and opened a door as both Jack and Jill stopped, turned towards me with Jack nudging his head.

"Okay, girl, get in there and try to look presentable like you did to us. It's time to see if the big boss likes you as much as we do. We'll be waiting at the bar for you, you got it?", explained Jill and I nodded my head back, acknowledging what she said before I stepped inside the dark room.

The door closed behind me that left me completely in the dark. I stood there for a while before hearing someone clapping their hands as a chandelier lit up above me. The entire room remained dark but had sort of a night time feeling to it. There were several bookshelves pushed against the walls on all sides and a singular large round table in the center where many books and scrolls were opened up, and behind that table there were several sofas and couches with one of the sofas having a human lying over it. He looked at me and I looked at him, trying to focus my eyes to see who it was before hearing him say.

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