The One with the Truth of R. A. B

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It was now 7 p.m. and Sirius had been getting ready and mentally preparing himself to meet his not-so-dead brother, in the flat that he had rented in a building in Godric's Hollow.

After fifteen minutes he was done and warily went up to the fireplace and took some floo powder in his hand and went into the fireplace while clearly saying " 12 Grimmauld Place" while throwing the floo powder in.

He emerged from the fireplace at the Grimmauld Place on steady feet, eyes already roaming everywhere to get even some small evidence that this had been some cruel joke played on him. Until his eyes fell upon his brother - who was very much alive to be dead.

Regulus looked pale, though that was how he looked, it was easy to decipher that the effects of the potion which he had taken in the cave were still present. Sirius' eyes filled with tears of sorrow, regret, anger, and happiness.

He was filled with immense sorrow and regret after learning about his younger brother Regulus's death. Despite their rocky relationship, Sirius still cared for his brother and was deeply affected by the news of his passing. He felt guilty for not being able to save him from the Death Eaters, and he was haunted by the fact that Regulus had joined their ranks in the first place. Sirius constantly questioned whether he could have done something differently to prevent this tragedy, and he mourned the loss of the sibling he had lost touch with.

He was filled with anger for Voldemort who was the reason his younger brother had suffered and happiness that he has a chance now, a chance at making things better between them.

The brothers had been staring at each other for quite some time now not speaking, there wasn't a need to do so, as their eyes spoke wonders. Regulus sat across from Sirius in their childhood home, Grimmauld Place. Regulus started speaking first knowing his brother won't say the first words.

Regulus's face was grim as he explained to his brother his involvement with Voldemort.

"I joined Voldemort because I was scared, Sirius," Regulus began. "I didn't want to feel our parents' wrath anymore. And Voldemort promised to bring back the old wizarding world traditions that mother and father always spoke of."

Sirius frowned. "But you know how twisted their views are, Reg."

"I know that now, Sirius," Regulus answered. "But at the time, I was naive and I believed him. I thought he was going to make things better for us."

"So, what happened?" Sirius asked.

"I realized he was lying," Regulus said. "I found out about the Horcruxes and what he was planning. I knew I had to do something to stop him."

"And that's why you sacrificed yourself," Sirius said in realization and decided that he would ask his brother how he knew about the Horcrux later.

Regulus nodded. "I couldn't live with the guilt of supporting someone who was doing such terrible things. I had to make it right."

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