The One with the Platform 9¾

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Lily was furious, while James was tired but still proud considering that he and his Lily-flower were smelling of dung and were covered in yellow paint, red glitter, feathers of god knows what, and doused in some sickly smelling neon green slime an...

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Lily was furious, while James was tired but still proud considering that he and his Lily-flower were smelling of dung and were covered in yellow paint, red glitter, feathers of god knows what, and doused in some sickly smelling neon green slime and water.

You want to know how they ended up like this? Well, the simple answer is a prank by Harry and Anthia as a parting gift to their parents.

The exact words of Anthia being, "For they mustn't miss us, my darling brother, during our time away from them, they are growing old now and need the reminder that their children will always be there for them. And also as revenge for the horrors Father and Padfoot put the sweet, loving Euphemia through. You know how they always say she died of dragon pox, I say that is a load of bullshit, I mean honestly after surviving a shit-ton load of shit, who is to not get a heart attack, huh?" she completed with googly eyes at Harry, who was borderline scared of his sister at this point.

Anyways... let's go back in time to see what happened,

It was 6 a.m. and the twins were wide awake and all dressed considering the fact that it was the first of September today. They had been growing impatient and knew their parents won't be awake for an hour.

So they went on with their plans, they of course couldn't do magic out of school, but being the Boy Who Lived definitely has its benefits. They did simple levitation, vanishing, and time spells which they had been taught by Lily and Sirius - and here we are with Lily fuming with rage and Prongs being a happy father.


A few hours later, the family of four plus Sirius and Remus reach The Kings Cross Station and are now standing between platforms 9 and 10. 

A family of redheads had just gone before them through the wall in between platforms 9 and 10. Though the twins knew that they had to run through a wall to reach platform 9 3/4, they were still left astounded, their faces looking silly with James and Sirius mimicking them behind their backs.

Lily took hold of Harry's trolley and caught hands with him before they ran through the wall together, James doing the same with Anthia with Remus and Sirius right behind them. There were 15 mins left for the train to leave, and so the parents crouched down to the children's height with Remus and Sirius surrounding them so nobody could see what was going on.

"Remember what we have told you, do not and I repeat do not trust anyone there.", said James.

"You both are the ones having power use it wisely and do not hesitate to call upon the family magic when in danger.", reminded Lily.

"We remember Mum and Dad and don't worry about us so much, after all some of the best witch and wizards of their time have taught us." replied a cheer-faced Anthia.

"Oh, and also Regulus and I have nearly formulated our plan, we will get those to you at Hogwarts Harry" added Sirius after seeing Harry's face.

Believe it or not, the Potters, Blacks, and Lupins were all grey.

The whistle went off indicating that the train was about to leave, the twins were crushed together in a bone-crushing suffocating hug by the adults who had all become teary-eyed realizing how fast the twins had grown up.

"By Mum and Dad, Moony and Padfoot, we love you"

"Yes, Mum we remember to write to you at least once a week and to let you all know about the sorting."

"Oh and don't forget to give our love to R." said the twins going off running into the train and then waving back to the adults, just like all the other children.

A new chapter of their lives beings and oh boy was it going to be filled with mischief, thrill, and a lot of rendezvous.


PS: Finally updated a new chapter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to like.

Much love <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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