Left at the altar: Pt 1 🤎💕

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Ruffnut's wedding dress:

————————————————————⚠️ WARNING!! ⚠️THIS HAS: Ruffnut x FishlegsBarf x Tuffnut x BelchInterspecies loveMale x MaleFemale x Male

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⚠️ WARNING!! ⚠️
Ruffnut x Fishlegs
Barf x Tuffnut x Belch
Interspecies love
Male x Male
Female x Male


Ruffnut couldn't remember a time when she felt this hurt. He had promised he would always love her and never leave. Yet, he wasn't here.

He was sometimes late to date's and other get togethers with her, but he would always get there at some point. Whether it was 3 hours late or even half the day.

Ruffnut was always there waiting, waiting...

"Ruff..." Came her brothers voice.

"I think it's time we leave, you read the note. I think we should go..."

Ruffnut could hear the concern from her twin brothers tone, and Barf and Belch's whimpers.

Ruffnut picked up the bottom of her dress and started walking away with Tuffnut and the Zippleback tagging along after their mate and their other rider.

-------------------------4 hours later----------------------

Hearing his sister cry was worst thing Tuffnut has ever had to listen to, even the Zippleback was whining and trying to cheer Ruffnut up.


"WHY?! WHY?!"

"Ruffnut, listen to me..."



Ruffnut looks quickly at her brother, having forgotten that he was there. Tuffnut walks over to her from the kitchen part of their conjoined hut, grabbing her shoulder, Tuffnut pulled her into a hug.

"Ruffnut, I want you to listen to me. That viking doesn't know what he's missing, okay? You are the best and most considerate person I have ever met, and that's including Hiccup."

Hearing her brother say that makes her chuckle, making the hole in her chest slowly go away.

"That guy is an idiot. He doesn't deserve you, I mean he doesn't see all the things that me and Fishlegs see-"

Interrupting Tuffnut, Ruffnut asks a question "Fishlegs? What about Fishlegs?"

Tuffnut, shocked to see that Ruffnut has been oblivious to Fishlegs obvious jealousy to Ruffnut's ex, looks at Ruffnut like she's crazy.

"Ruffnut... Have you seriously not been seeing how jealous Fishlegs has been toward your ex?!"

Ruffnut, surprised at this, tries remembering every time she was with her ex around Fishlegs. "You're right Tuffnut! He has been jealous!"

Barf and Belch, knowing what Tuffnut was doing, grabbed Tuffnut and Ruffnut by the back of their shirts and threw them on their own back.

Ruffnut not knowing what Barf and Belch were doing, started yelling at them.

"What are y'all doing?!"

Tuffnut glad that Barf and Belch got the hint, leaned over a little and kissed Belch right behind the horn on the top of his head where he liked it best while making sure Ruffnut didn't see.

Getting the signal, Barf and Belch started flying out of the hut all the way to Fishlegs hut.

Landing on the huts edge, Barf shook Ruffnut off his neck making her land hard on the wooden planks.

Flying off, Tuffnut saw his twin sigh and walk to the door before she was out of eyesight.

Landing on the edge of their own hut, Tuffnut got off Barf and Belch and walked back inside waiting after they were fully inside to close the hut door.

Yawning, Tuffnut started walking back to his bed before getting tripped by the Zippleback's tail and falling to the floor.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

The Zippleback, having had to wait all day for a private moment with their "Property", were incredibly insulted by this.

Grabbing their "Property" by the back of his shirt for the second time today, Barf and Belch picked Tuffnut up and placed him in the middle of his side of the hut.

Walking off to go lock the hut, Barf and Belch turned around for a minute to see their "Property" about to get up from where they placed him.

Growling at Tuffnut, the Zippleback hurried and locked down the hut. Turning back to their beautiful mate, the Zippleback walked back to Tuffnut.

Hovering over their mate with lustful eyes, the Zippleback looked down at their quivering mate, realizing that he wasn't ready for anything yet.

The Zippleback calmed down themself down before curling around their "Property" and dozing off for the afternoon.

Tuffnut, grateful that Barf and Belch didn't do anything, kissed them both on their heads. After a few moments though Tuffnut started thinking.

"Are they okay that I'm not ready for sex yet?"

700+ words

There will a part 2 with smut.

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